Part 35

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Gracie's POV

"I'm so glad we went to mall before your trip with Tao. Let's make the most of it!" I cry out as we enter the shoe store in the mall.

Julie laughs and links our arms. "We're only going to Beijing for a week."

"That's a long time!" I whine. "What am I gonna do without my best friend?"

"You have Yixing."

I smile. "Fair enough. Let's go shopping!"

Lay's POV

"I'm gonna miss you, man." I side hug Tao as we enter a men's clothing store.

Tao sighs. "I'm gonna miss you too, but we'll both be with our loves. A week will fly by quickly."

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Oh, look at this shirt." Tao picks up the most UGLIEST, GRUESOME shirt I have EVER seen.

I snort. "Are you joking?"

"What? No! It looks really nice." Tao holds the shirt up to my chest. "Go try it, they don't have my size."

"We're the same size!"

"I'll give you my unicorn stuffed animal if you do!"

I shake my head.

"And my narwal animal!"

I think about it for a second. I do love me some unicorn animals.

"Fine." I snatch the shirt from him and enter a dressing room.

"I bet you're gonna look great." Tao knocks on my door.

I put in the shirt and immediately regret it. I look like puke that has been blended with rotton fruit.

"Let me see."

"This yellow really doesn't look right." I whisper.

"Come out!"

"Heck no, I'm not coming out."

Tao barges in with a nice shirt in his hands. "Ok, now it's my turn."

"Tao!" I yell as he pushes me outside with the hideous shirt still on.

People in the store give me disgusted looks as they walk by.

This one lady walks up to me.

"Excuse me, sir, would you like to look at some of my eye glasses? I own a shop right across from here. I think I may have pair that might fit you well."


Gracie's POV

"This looks amazing! Lay would love this look." I look at the price. "Well, um, ok."

"Aiyo, look at the price for this shirt." Julie puts down the shirt and walks over to me. "Let's go somewhere else."

We exit the store and walk around, looking at store fronts.

"Oh my gosh," Julie points to a men's clothing store. "Look at those two dudes with those horrible shirts."

I follow her finger. "Oh my gosh. Ew, that color really doesn't do well..."

"That is such a bad choice." Julie and I start snickering. Julie takes a picture on her phone.

All of a sudden, the two guys disappear.

We see Lay and Tao exiting the same shop and we run up to them.

"Lay! You would never believe what we just saw!" I whisper yell.

"It was so funny. You should've seen it." Julie says.

"There were these two guys..." Julie holds up her phone and shows them the picture.

Tao and Lay look at each other with wide open mouths.

"What? Did you see them too?" I tilt my head. "You were in the same store, so you might have."

"I think I saw a little girl crying because of it." Julie and I start laughing again.

"See I told you!" Lay smacks Tao's arm.

Julie and I stand there confused.

Tao takes out his phone and scrolls through some photos. He finally stops and holds out his phone with a picture of him and Lay wearing those hideous shirts.

"Oh my-" I cover my mouth.

"Tao, I'm so sorry." Julie tries to hold in her laughter. "You should've told me earlier!"

I turn to Lay and gasp. "Lay, oh my gawd!" I jump into his arms and hold him tightly. "I'm so sorry, but that made my day."

Lay chuckles and shakes his head. "Tao made me wear it. Then I forced him to wear it."

"Someone asked him if he needed glasses." Tao teases.

"Well a little girl cried when you smiles at her!"

"Ok, boys, calm down." Julie ruffles Tao's hair. "No wonder the hair looked so alike."

I laugh. "I can't believe it. You should've waited for me. I want a picture. Send that to me, Tao."

Lay blushes. "We had to leave quickly."

"Why?" Julie asks.

"I don't know." Tao shrugs and turns to Lay.

"Yeah. Let's just go get lunch. Your flight leaves at 6." Lay puts me down and strokes my cheek.

"But it's only 12." I pout. "Why can't we stay longer?"

"We need to be there with all of our stuff by 3. Better safe than sorry."

I sigh. "Ok, fine. Let's go get some Dim Sum."

"Amen to that."

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