Part 43

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Gracie's POV

My eyes start water up. I bring my hand to my mouth and sigh. "Yixing, you're so s-sweet!"

He gives me a small smile and nods.

"Ok," I take a deep breath and wiggle our hands around lightly. "Here I go."

He giggles. "When you're ready, Gracie."

I nod and look at him in the eye. "Zhang Yixing, I was actually the opposite of you when I was younger..."

Lay tilts his head. "Were you?"

"Yes, I was. I adored the beauty of true love. I remember always asking my mom about how she met dad or why she loved him. She told me that every time she sees him or spends time with him, she gets butterflies in her stomach."

I see my dad kiss my mom's cheek in the corner of my eye.

"She told me a lot more, but that part was always in my mind. She told me that when I was about 9 years old. So ever since that day, I would look out for someone who would give me that feeling."

Lay nods and listens carefully.

"I-I have been with guys before, but NONE ever treated me the way you treated me. No one loved me more than I could possibly imagine. No one made me feel so so so happy and lucky before. No one gave me the kindness and such love than you did. Yixing, you made me feel like a princess, one that has everything they ever wanted."

Lay's cheeks turn red and he smiles uncontrollably.

"I never believed that money and fame brought happiness. I always thought it brought frustration and stress."

I hear agreeing murmurs from the crowd.

"Love...Love was what I always wanted! I love you, Lay! And I always have ever since you gave me the sincere feeling in my heart that you are here because of me and not because of my riches or body. You filled me with hope and faith. You are the reason why I am still myself. I had thoughts of changing my life course because I didn't think I was getting anywhere. Until your mom called me..."

I look to Miss Lisa and smile. She wipes her tear-stained cheeks and nods.

I turn back to Lay and smile.

"She gave me this amazing opportunity. I know it was only 3 months, not a very long time, but it was still some of the best jobs I have ever had! I met so much friends and you, of course. This opportunity was the best thing that ever happened to me. Then meeting new friends, another best thing. Then seeing how happy your mom is with me working there, another best thing. So many things make me lucky, but it was meeting you and spending time with you best all of those!"

"When you got a job as a singer, I was so happy because you would always tell me your dreams of being one. Plus, you are an amazing singer, your voice makes me melt!"

Lay quietly chuckles. "Thank you..."

"But when you had to leave the city..." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I couldn't imagine what we had was going to go away. I thought it never would, but seeing you with your suitcase, I-I-"

Tears start forming in my eyes and I let go of Lay's hands to wipe my tears.

"I just couldn't believe it...but when you said to meet you at where we had our first actual date, I was...words cannot explain. I woke up every morning and immediately looked at my calendar. Seeing how close it was to you coming back, it gave me such motivation for the day. It motivates me to get through the day. Even when you weren't away and just next door, I still went to bed satisfied with my day and woke up excited to see you again."

"You make my heart fly, Lay. You make my heart travel places it's never been before. I love the fact that you are very comfortable with me, yet you're shy and gentle. You don't rush and you know my comfort zone. Maybe you go all out with some things, but I don't long as I'm with you, I'll be happy no doubt. I didn't expect this at all, every time I go out to get lunch or dinner, I would always think about you. Like 'What should I buy Lay' or 'did he eat yet'. You made your way into my heart and stayed in your very own place there."

I hold my hand to my heart and look away.

"You make me smile when I'm down. You make my heart melt with just your smile. You make my eyes tear up with just one lovely action. Knowing you're here for me gives me so much motivation and happiness. I'm really blessed and really thankful. I wouldn't ask for anything or anyone else."

"I love you so much, Lay. From the moon and back. From the bottom of my heart. And for as long as I live."

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