"Tell Me..."

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It was almost 1 am on the first night since Harry had returned from tour and he was passed out beside you, his snores being the only sound heard throughout the room. Normally, you would have happily fallen asleep in the comfort of his arms but, for some reason, you couldn't fall asleep, no matter how hard you tried. You continued tossing and turning over in bed, trying to get comfortable when you felt an arm–Harry's–wrap tightly around your waist to still your movement.

 "Baby," Harry mumbled, his voice unusually deep since he had just awoken. 

"Tell me what's wrong." He sighed, his arm around your waist pulling you to snuggle into his chest. 

"Nothing's wrong." You protested, not wanted to ruin Harry's sleep on his first night back. 

"Liar. C'mon, y/n, you know that I won't be able to fix anything if you don't tell me what's wrong." 

"I just–I'm not used to you being back and I guess I'm scared that, if I close my eyes for too long, you'll leave again." 

"I won't leave you again, I promise you baby."

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