You Sleep On The Couch After An Argument

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You never realized before just how uncomfortable this couch is. So many times you've fallen asleep on it, exhausted after work or trying to stay up for Harry, but now that you have no other option, your strained muscles are crying out in protest.

The argument wasn't as explosive as others you've had with him, but in that way it was worse; instead of the rush of anger and raised voices, instead of fizzling out quickly, it built and swelled until it was too big of a problem to ignore, and the words that followed were not pretty. After a few hours of mutual silent treatment and a tense interaction in the kitchen, you had grabbed you pillow and some extra blankets from the closet and made yourself the poor substitute of a bed that you're tossing and turning on right now.

"You're being ridiculous, you know that, right? You're acting like a child," Harry had told you right before he went to bed, eyes sharp on you from the doorway, arms crossed and shoulders tight and hair pushed back in a bun.

"Wow, that's really making me want to sleep next to you right now," you'd snapped back, rearranging your pillow under your head for the 7th time without looking at him. He had only huffed and grumbled something under his breath before retreating to the bedroom, the door shutting behind him.

It's been at least two hours. You've watched nature documentaries on the tv, scrolled through every feed on your phone, played a few games of Tetris, and still your eyes are wide open as you stare up at the ceiling. More than the stiffness of the couch cushions, you hate being away from Harry, no matter how much of a jerk he was being. And really, he was right, you should've stayed and worked things out instead of leaving the bed you share with him, but now your pride won't let you go back.

"Baby?" It's a tiny whisper, if you hadn't been lying in the dark trying desperately to fall asleep you wouldn't have heard it. "You awake?" You sit up, and Harry's form is outlined in the darkness by the pale light coming through one of the windows, and you can see enough of his face to see that he looks rather contrite. "Will you come back to bed? Please?" You don't respond at first.

"I don't wanna fight anymore...."

"Neither do I," he says immediately, stepping forward a little. "We won't fight, I just...I can't sleep without you."

He whispers that he's sorry when you go into his arms, and you respond the same, because you know you played your part in it. And when you sink into bed with him, instantly feeling yourself being tugged down into sleep, you realize that it wasn't the mattress that you were missing, it was Harry's arms.

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