14- The She-Devil

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Emily sat up in her chair but as she shifted it backwards and forwards, an irritating scrapping sound was omitted. Fleetingly she gazed around the café and I glanced behind me, wondering what had caught her eye.

The café had emptied now and there only seemed to be a few stragglers remaining with us. An elderly dark grey suited businessman engrossed in his newspaper sat to the right of us. A young pregnant woman, almost ready to burst with a toddler in tow sat on the table to the left. My final gaze, fell upon a middle aged lady wearing a hijab head scarf, conservatively dressed and looking at her mobile phone. None of these would appear to have a connection to her.

Emily made a noise in her throat and I turned back and relaxed a little before taking a slight intake of breath.

"So, where was I?" Emily said, as she fidgeted with her earrings, twisting them round as she spoke, "Um, okay. Jarod then announced our engagement in The Times."

I moved my chair back in shock, not sure if I wanted to go or stay, but she took my hand.

"Athina," Emily said calmly looking at me straight in the eyes, "obviously it wasn't a real engagement. Just a pretend one but I was annoyed at him for not forewarning me."

Emily smiled as she continued, "you know, I think he was after a reaction. He certainly got that – I can tell you! Theodora turned up really early. Shouting and screaming, like a maniac," Emily said, with a strange wicked smile, as though she was visualizing the scenes playing out in her mind.

I was curious, as I had never met Theodora. "What's she like?" The words flowed from my lips before I could stop myself.

Emily gulped. Then I saw her eyes close momentarily as if to gather her thoughts.

"That woman is without doubt a She-Devil. Takes what she wants. God help anyone who gets in her way!" Emily spat out.

I sat back a little shocked at her outburst but was also curious. "What does she look like?" I inquired; as I tried to form an image of Theodora.

Emily raised her eyes to her eyebrows and made a strange face.

"Sex on legs. Latino/Spanish looking. Not an ounce of fat, though she never works out. Long flowing black hair. Not a hair out of place," Emily said ruefully, "like I said..."

"Oh god," I gulped.

As we both said in unison, "a She-Devil".

"Groomed as though her life depended on it. Perfect nails and make up. Clothes sprayed on and can't but notice cleavage. A cross between Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian and Penelope Cruz," said Emily with wide eyes.

My mouth dropped in shock. I could never compete with that. What did he see in me?

She looked at me strangely, with a weird look in her eye, winked at me and stood up. Emily then tilted her head back in an exaggerated manner, flicking her hair behind her like some starlet use to paparazzi photographers.

"Oh darling, this little mouse, is she my bed warmer, for when I arrive mon cherie? What a sweet service, but I guess she must need the money from those charity shop clothes. You must send her to my beautician, dahling, maybe I could sway her to arrange an emergency tidy up, so as not to completely embarrass you!" said Emily, in a Spanish accented English, as she wiggled her bottom, accentuating her bust as she ran her hands down her body, moving her fingers as though nail varnish was drying, fluttering her eyelashes throughout.

By now everyone was looking at Emily. Who went red in the face and abruptly sat down.

I sniggered and then looked at Emily seriously, "No, really, she said that!" I asked.

Emily let out an exasperated cough. "That's the flavour of it!" Not looking amused.

"I still don't understand, if she looks so good; why, would he want me?" I said, shocked.

"She's high maintenance and needs a millionaire, but for some reason, won't let go of Jarod," Emily responded, "maybe's she is waiting for a better offer, who knows with Theodora."

"They aren't together now but maybe she loves him?" I questioned.

"I can assure you, the only person Theodora loves is herself!" said Emily gripping the side of the table so hard that the tendons in her hand almost popped out with the tautness of her anger.

Edit 6 PALH  Oct 2017


If you liked this chapter please do hit the star before you go and comments are always welcome :-).

Special thanks.. to OwainGlyn whose reviews always make me smile and keep me writing. They mean so much to me, as this is my first start of writing a full length book, thank you so much. Please check out his amazing Windswept poems which are shortly to be published. He is so talented and he is all what Wattpad should be. Also Mary Tabor - if you haven't checked out this Wattys 2014 winner, you really should. Her books will make you laugh. She holds nothing back and is a very inspiring person and very supportive of other writers.

Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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