60 - A Door Key

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The door swung open revealing, the head nurse of the ward and I felt my face grow warm and hot. I had this uncanny feeling, she had the ability to somehow see through the solid walls and just knew what we had been doing. It made me feel like a naughty school girl, who had been caught kissing behind the bicycle sheds. Instinctively, I pulled apart from Jarod, although he took his time as though he revelled in being caught.

"Hmmm!" The Nurse said to us, showing her disapproval with a frown and raised eyebrows, "If you want to get your things together, the doctor says you can be discharged," as she looked at her clipboard, "and it would seem you are well enough to go," she tutted, as Jarod stifled a snigger unsuccessfully making me want to hit him right now.

Mind you, it would be so good to get back to my home and shut the outside world out for a while. I found it hard to sleep in the hospital and my mouth curled into smile at the thought.

"That's wonderful; she can come home with me," said Jarod

I glared at Jarod, I'm was surprised he survived my icy stare of death. He hadn't listened at all, to what I had said to him previously and I raised my voice with annoyance. He might look incredibly handsome in his dark single breasted suit and white shirt, but I was standing my ground here.

"Thanks for the offer but as I said earlier,: I said through gritted teeth, "I'm going back to my home," giving him a further ice cold stare. "Don't worry Jarod, I can get a cab, I realise you probably have to pick Sophia up from nursery, it's no problem" I said.

He glared back at me "I don't think it's a good idea, for you to be home alone," he said almost shouting.

"I don't think it's a good idea to be looking after a small child when I don't feel a 100% either, I want to go my home and just sleep, and I can't do that at your place. I love Sophia, but we both know she won't let me sleep and I would feel obligated to look after her." I said to him.

"But, but, but." Jarod tried to interrupt but I shook my head defiantly as I turned to him and said,"look Jarod, I need some rest, peace and quiet and sleep!" As I crossed my arms in front of me.

He pulled back from me, Jarod knew, I was telling the truth, I would just end doing everything despite any assurances he might state. Jarod wasn't great in the domestic department and made dinner once in a blue moon. I realised he worked very hard and when he came home didn't want to do anything mundane and sometimes it infuriated me, as its alright for some, which was probably why I was resisting moving in.

It was nice to have my own space without following him and Sophia at his place in the wake of their snail trail of destruction. I was always constantly picking stuff up or asking them too, it was a never ending cycle. I often felt like a lady in waiting! I just couldn't deal with that at the moment.

I wanted a Greta Garbo moment and to be alone. I know maybe it was selfish, but for right now I wanted to be selfish. That coupled with the fact that he was so over powering, so hard to ignore, that with every fibre of my body I felt him. Jarod could be behind me, and the hairs on the back of my neck would feel his presence. His musky scent so enticing Jarod could not be ignored. It was due to this that at times it was a relief to be away from him, to just be me and relax without feeling the intense draw he had over me.

Seeing the determined look on my face, Jarod drew back even further in defeat. I knew I had won this battle, which was rare.

As I started to gather my things together, if felt good to know I was going home. A relief to know, I could shut my front door and go to bed and properly sleep without all the weird noises in the hospital disturbing me. Heaven.

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