123 - The Woman in the Black Trench Coat

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 Then I saw her, despite the camouflage of sunglasses and black trench coat she was unmistakable. My eyes took in her watching Jarod's lifeless form spread out on the marquee roof.

Theodora looked up and saw me starring at her and quickly lost herself into the crowd that had gathered below.

I sank to the floor, in a dazed heap. I kept reliving the last moments, the look on his face, the curdling scream carried on in my head. It was as if time had stood still. The sound of sirens grew louder and people were thumping at the door but still I felt unable to move.

Nothing in life had prepared me for this scenario; but then what could? I loved Jarod with an intensity that scared me. Despite imagining myself leaving him, I never once expected things to end like this. It was difficult to comprehend all the details and I sat there dazed trying to make sense of it all.

"Let us in! "

I moved towards the balcony and looked over; I had to look just one more time. I felt so sick and as I did so a wave of nausea came over me.

The pounding on the door was relentless. I sank to the floor and turned towards the hallway. I needed to let them in, so feeling unable to stand up, I crawled towards the front door of the apartment.

Somehow through the haze of the numbness I felt in my heart and head, I managed to push my body up the wall and undid the door. As the door opened, my waters started to break; water flooded my clothes and covered the floor, as I tasted warm salt water hit my lips.

In a trance, I picked up my phone and dialed the number I knew so well.

"Emily, please come now," I sobbed, "I think Jarod's dead and it looks like the baby's coming!"

Edit 4 - PAL Sep 2017

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No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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