26- The Knock at the Door

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I left the office after hours, feeling obliged to make up the time for arriving at work late. Before leaving, I emailed the HR department to decline the new job position. Let's hope I didn't come to regret it. I wanted a future with Jarod and he had made me feel pressurised not to take it. Regardless, this job offer didn't feel the right fit for me and sensed something else would come my way, at some point. Fingers crossed; it wasn't wishful thinking.

Contemplating matters as I sat on the train home; more worrying, was the pressure Jarod was placing on me, to not only move into his apartment right away, but to consider starting a family. I didn't feel old enough to take on that kind of responsibility for another life. I wanted to travel and experience life together for a few years without restrictions of children before we moved on further.

It seemed a little crazy to suggest moving things forward this early in our relationship. I liked spending a few days at this place and then a few days at mine. It wasn't unusual from snippets of conversations I had overheard in the office, to conduct a relationship like this and until I felt ready to move in with him, I didn't want this to change.

Upon arriving home, I jumped into the shower, to wash away the day. It felt so good feeling the warm water streaming over my hair and down my body, that when I exited, the bathroom resembled a Turkish steam room.

Stretched out, relaxing in my pjs on the sofa, the TV babbled away. My quiet time was interrupted by the pounding on the door. Startled, it seemed strange for someone to knock at this time given it was 10:00pm.

Once I established it was Jarod, I opened the door. There he stood, fuming, eyes blazing, as he tore past me, almost knocking me over.

"Hey Jarod, you nearly.....," but I wasn't given a chance to finish.

"Why don't you answer your bloody phone?" Jarod ranted at me, and pushed my body up against the wall. He grasped my wrists, nails digging into my skin, as he rammed my back hard against the wall; not allowing me to move.

"Jarod, you are hurting me!" I gasped.

I felt my pulse quicken and my heart seem to beat so loud I could hear it, as I stared at him, the pupils of his eyes like black slits staring at me.

Jarod shouted at me! "Why don't you answer your phone? I've called so many times."

He pinned me harder to the wall. What had got into him? I hoped that if I tried to remain calm, just maybe, he would realise he was being unreasonable and would stop being so irate.

"Jarod, I had to work late, my train was delayed and I've only just got out of the shower." I said to him in a pained voice.

He let go of my wrists and his arms dropped, letting me walk over to my handbag.

"I didn't hear the phone, that's strange," I said to him, as I pulled the phone out of my bag.

"It's out of charge; see, dead as a dodo, I'll charge it," I said, as I showed the phone to him and plugged it in.

Jarod paced about like some caged animal, walking backwards and forwards. The noise of his feet on the wooden floor, made me feel uneasy. What would he do next? I felt my throat go dry and I swallowed.

It came into my mind I ought I'd offer him a drink. Wasn't that what people always did in times of stress. Maybe, I thought it would bring normality to a situation that seemed a little surreal and out of control. Tea I could make. It was a task I could control and maybe I could turn things round. I breathed in, taking a deep breath, as I turned to speak to him.

"Shall I make you a cup of tea? Since I was going to make one anyway?" I said to Jarod.

He didn't reply but I took it as acceptance, when he didn't refuse and made my way to the kitchen alcove.

His eyes seem to bore into my back and I felt his presence deep and foreboding behind me.

The television stopping making any sound and the room filled with a strange stillness.


He didn't answer me.

Edit 5  PALH Nov 2017

If you enjoyed the chapter please hit the star before you go and comments and critique are welcome.

I am updating this story once or twice a week generally Tuesdays and Sundays.

I'd like to give a special mention to sloanrange r newclear92 for being so supportive and everyone involved in #NBR.

Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. 

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