137 - Sleeping Beauty

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My lips formed a small smile as I my eyes took in my sleeping beautiful girl in the pram. There was something almost breath taking, about how peaceful she looked. Her innocence just radiated joy, as I saw her chest and rosy cheeks rise up and down with her small breaths.

My heart felt heavy. It ached with a mixture of grief and disappointment. Jarod would have loved her so much. For all his faults, I knew he would have wanted to provide for his children. How vindictive and greedy Theodora was to take everything for herself, without even taking a backward glance at Sophia.

Fortunately, if I was careful I could still cover outgoings and not go back to work for a while. I relished being a mother and wanted to enjoy her. Emily and Tony insisted on providing for Sophia. We arranged between us to cover child care and circumstances had made us a closer knit group.

It was odd how Sophia seemed to accept that Emily was her mother, almost without question and moved between our homes as we cared for her, now that Emily had moved in with Tony.

Our flats were on the same floor as each other and Tony had installed another security door for our floor with extra cameras and intercoms linked to both our flats. There wasn't much else he could do. Tony had gone the extra mile trying to protect us and my heart warmed at the thought of the wonderful friendship I had with him and Emily. They were the family I had created but didn't have.

Tony was like an unpaid full-time security guard and I knew a lot of it was because he had lost one partner and he wasn't taking any chances on losing another. The man had such a good heart, and he doted on Sophia. Emily was a lucky lady for sure.

I knew I would get in trouble for taking a walk in the park today without Tony being around. As much as I loved them all, sometimes it could feel a little suffocating and intense.

It was strangely quiet today. Apart from the wild life there was no sound at all. Usually the sound of children was never far away.

Feeling a little perplexed, I stood up and my eyes searched in each direction; I couldn't see anyone at all in Lake Meadows. Most week days, I would see parents put their little ones on the swings after they had dropped older children off at school or commuters using the park as a short cut. Placing my thumb at the end of my mouth, my teeth nibbled at my fingernail. Where was everyone? Without hesitation, I shoved my belongings back into my bag hooked onto the pram and stood up.

With my foot on the pram break, I undid the lock position and scanned round the park again. Still seeing no-one I walked back round the other side of the lake near to the swings. Upon reaching the playground, my eyes widened in surprise to also find it deserted. I had never encountered the park empty. If I had known that would be the case, I wouldn't have left the flat. Tony always told me there was safety in numbers.

I felt a shiver go down the whole length of my back and zipped up my jacket. Why hadn't I let Tony know where I was going. I could still text him and I could do that right now! I might get shouted at but at least he would know where I was. Placing my foot on the brake, I pulled out my mobile phone out of my pocket and drafted a message.

"Tony @ Lake Meadows needed to stretch legs. Bit quiet here. A" Then I sent it, before I lost my nerve.

Why hadn't he answered? I wrote another.

"Feel bit uneasy. Sorry 2b pain. Do u mind collecting me? I'll be in café opp swings. A."

I hit the send button. Somehow texting seemed better. The quietness of the park made me feel uneasy to talk on the phone. Sending a message unheard, seemed more private.

My phone bleeped and flashed in response. 'You should had told me beforehand. I would hv come with u. Stay where you are. Don't move. On my way now! Don't go anywhere! Tx'

My limbs trembled. Tony would shout at me when he got here but it was worth it; the relief knowing he was on his way to get me was enormous.

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Your feedback inspires me to keep writing and your helpful critique is greatly appreciated and helps me to edit my work as I learn and grow on my journey as a writer.

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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