62 - A Passing Visitor

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I just gaped in astonishment. Words escaped me. I had never told Emily where I lived so how on earth did she find me? Then I had a thought, what if Tony had misheard the name.

"What did she look like?" I asked him.

He scratched his head, as he was put on the spot. "Um, well, she didn't look that different from you, think hair longer maybe and darker."

I mused, "hmmm, sorry Tony to put you on the spot, it's just odd, that's all. The reason I ask, description could well be Emily, I mean why would this person say they were someone else; it doesn't make any sense."

I pondered further, "It's just that Tony, she lives in London where we've met up, I've never given her my address or mentioned where I live, and it just never came up. So it seems rather odd. It really doesn't make any sense."

Tony looked at me, taking more interest as I explained myself. He scratched his head further in puzzlement, "I admit, that really is odd, maybe Jarod told her, she probably wanted to visit you?"

I spoke sharply as I retorted, "No, that's not possible!"

Tony looked at me intrigued and I realised I had probably opened up a can of worms which I needed to close up firmly, so I tried to sound very unaffected as I responded, "they don't know each other, it's an old work colleague."

Then I busied myself grabbing my phone and started looking for my lap top. I knew what I needed to do next.

"I can see you are busy, so I'll let myself out, okay," said Tony, as I nodded at him. "I'm sure whoever it is will come to light and end the mystery," said Tony patting my arm trying to reassure me, these things are often a lot less curious than they seem.

I looked up and smiled at him not very convincingly, "I certainly hope so, as at the moment I don't feel that way, what with what has happened lately."

"Don't worry Athina, I'm always around if you need me love," he said patting my arm again as went out the door, and then opened it again.

I started to turn away and then realised how kind he had been and how very fortunate I was to have him as a friend.

I turned back to him, "Tony, thank you so much for fixing the door, and clearing up and putting the food in the fridge, that really was very kind of you. Let me know what I owe you and I will settle up no problem"

He looked warmly at me, from the doorway, "You are always welcome. Just take care of yourself okay. I'm always here if you need a friend. I'll let you know how the contracts are progressing on this place and what you owe, it's not that much. Catch you later. Just ring me if you need anything. And try not to worry."

He closed the door firmly behind him and he was gone.

What a nice man Tony was, a real gem and I sighed, he was so uncomplicated unlike Jarod but you can't choose who your heart desires it would seem.

I went and got my laptop, I always left it plugged in, and so it had plenty of charge. I opened it up and logged onto Wattpad.

I looked on her profile page it had been updated. It said:-

"due to illness the writer is not posting any further material until further notice, but hopes to do so soon, so do keep following, update to follow".

I looked at her works, to see if any further stories had been posted, then checked to see if any further chapters had been added. But there was nothing. A big fat zero. I needed to respect her request not to directly message her, regardless of how over the top cautious it seemed to be to me. I felt very on edge right now. It was weird, something just didn't add up here.

Maybe Emily had been discharged from hospital and not updated her profile page but that still didn't explain how she or someone had got my address. Before I went to sleep that night I double checked my front door and windows and made sure they were all locked, I even double checked all the cupboards, just in case someone was hiding.

E2 15/10/2016

If you liked this chapter please do vote (please hit the star) and if you have time to comment that would mean so much to me, as your feedback inspires me to keep writing and your helpful critique is greatly appreciated as I learn and grow on my journey as a writer.

No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission by the author. Many thanks Kimberley S B Lieb

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