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This one is called broken dreams /_\

Angels p.o.v

I smiled at Justin as he kissed my temple, he chuckled and held my hand as we walked the board walk, until Justin turned around a smile stitched into his lip.

" what? " I giggled, he grinned

" that sunset is competing with your beauty "

" and? " I giggled, he smiled and kissed my lips.

" it's losing very badly my angel " he muttered, I blushed and he grinned. a we started walking again Justin stopped and turned around. Grinning from ear to ear.

" LILA! " he yelled, I turned around as he ran to her, I frowned an she smirked slamming her lips onto Justin's, I gasped and he smiled into it lifting her up and spinning her around happily... Than they started to walk away I ran after them but I couldn't catch up

" Justin!!! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME?! " I cried, turning around he sighed.

" I just went out with you to wait for her angel " he said, Lila I guess smirked at me then held Justin close.

" b-but you belong with me? " I whispered to his figure... but I know he didn't hear me.


Dedicated to TheBlackSwan94
Part two will be up soon maybe later I'm not sure lol it'll be a surprise I guess. 😄


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