Drunk texting (prt 2)

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( requested by ibieberrauhlls  )

Your p.o.v

I say up and groaned, my head spinning and my eyes blurry, my friend had written me a not saying someone was here to see me. And I automatically thought of my mom.

Maybe I did something stupid and texted her

Nah, I wasn't that hammered.

I groaned louder as I glanced at the window and the door opened, I sighed and m heart shattered.

"Yes Justin? " he just handed me water and pills.

"Here, look I'm here just because you texted me and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh god tell Leann that I'm so-"

"Stop assuming me and Leann are together! We're not! "

"Stop yelling at me! I saw in Instagram she was in your bed! Now leave if your gonna yell."

"No." He argued

"Justin leave"

"Y/N apologize."  Laughed at what he said, as he looked at me.

"What? I'm not apologizing!" I said, he took of his jacket.

"God ghis was just like when we were dating! So stubborn, so rude!" He yelled, I stood up ignoring my hangover.

"Yea when we were dating you were so aggressive, wanting everything the Justin way! Do this, do that, I dont like this, it had to be all you want!! "

I stared at him and he did the unbelievable

He pulled me closer and smirked, " I want it all over again."

"The argument, the tensity, and the constant love. I want it again Y/N."

I gripped his shirt collar and kissed him hard, he kissed back and held me tight. "You have it Justin!"

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Justin."

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now