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- narrartor -

As nine thirty rolled around the boys stuck with plan and got dressed hoping Alexis wouldn't leave them there just hanging they really were upset with how she stormed off and created a little plan for her.

" you think she's still coming " Justin asked as his twin as he opened his car door.

" I hope so but I dunno Alexis is random " he replied, sliding his seatbelt on.

The car ride didn't take long but the two boys felt like it was an eternity they never did have patience. In fact there patience was so bad one had gotten it tattooed.

" okay she should be here it's ten o'clock " Jason said, just pulled out the keys and opened the school doors

Now your probably like where's he get the keys, some girl owned the keys since she was the cheer captain, she has the keys for extra practices. So Justin just smiled and ended with the keys in his hand.

Looks are powerful I guess

" as the boys waited it turned to ten forty five, they were about to give up until the door swung open, reveling a tiered and slightly upset Alexis, the boys smiled were hidden but smiled at what she was wearing. Her yoga shorts, Jasons tank top that she tied at the end and had Justin's sweater over it, and some vans.

The boys smirked and ran.

Alexis p.o.v

" I know they better not have left even though I am late " I muttered, I brushed some strands of curls outta my face and walked the corridor, it was so dark I had to hold onto the lockers.

Then if hit me

My phone got a flashlight! I'm dumb, I clicked on my flash light and held it up.

Back to narrartor ( I wrote everything in narrator by accident and I didn't wanna re-write it and ruin it (

" this is terrifying" sh whined, then she heard some murmurs, she ran into a closet not caring what it was.

She heard footsteps and peeked out the for a bit, for a few seconds it was black shadowy figure she kept quiet but then as the person got closer it was just the janitor.

" oh thank you God " she sighed.

She hopped out the closet and started walking back to the front angry, she was ready to go home. The boys left so, so was she.

When she got closer to her locker she saw Jason sanding there smirking as he held the light up.

" Jason Anthony McCann do you think this is cute! " she yelled, he flinched. She never use this kinda last name, he change it from bieber to McCann no one knows why but she does.

" I'm sorry comer here " he begged, when she got close enough he pulled her close kissing her lips. She was relaxing into it than realized that she shouldn't, so she placed her hand in his neck and gently pushed off.

" Jason I can't not when I'm best friends with you brother I don't wanna hurt him and- " he cut her off with a chuckl

" it's cool, come her Jay! " he commanded, Justin walked towards them leaned in Alexis's left side

" yea? " he smirked

" show Alexis its okay please " he smirked, Justin leaned in and kissed the confused girl, she went to push him off but he pulled away.

" we wanted to know you din have to choose " Justin said, she raised an eyebrow

" have us both " Jason continued, she coughed

" well we live in the same house but you can come a cuddle with movies, and than om certain weekends you can go in a date " Justin explained, Jason smiled.

" uh " was all she could say

" just try it " both boys said, she sighed and gave in

And as soon as she did Justin kissed her lips, and Jason kissed hers after




Love ya lol

May the odds forever be in your favor

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