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Part two

I cried and cried my heart racing as it did so... I'm pretty sure I will die without Justin I cried and cried even more until I looked at myself in the mirror... I scoffed and wiped my eyes off, fixed my clothes and reapplied my makeup... it's been 2 weeks I needs get passed the crying stage.

" come on angel man up " I muttered to myself, Justin was calling and texting me... I started crying again. Why did I give him this much of my heart.

I cried and cried upset and mad at myself that I kept crying. Him and Lila are happy... I just hope not for long.

" angel I know your home " I heard that voice from outside the front door. I sighed opening it and he immediately softens

" angel? "

" what? " I growled

" w-why do you "

" get your stuff and go "

" but angel? " h whimpered

" No... This isn't like the stories "

" your right I love Lila but angel "


" angel! "

" NOW " I cried, I through stuff at him " now go go get out just leave! GO "

" go go go go go " I kept saying, I feel someone shake me. I shot up looking to see Justin my boyfriend worried and tired.

" baby?! " he said, I hugged him and cried.

" oh baby don't leave " I cried

" never baby never " he whispered kissing me passionately


HOPE YOU LIKE IT TheBlackSwan94 I told you it would be a happy ending lol love ya

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