Happy aniversary

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Justins p.o.v

"Justin baby your gonna be late!" Y/N giggled as I kissed all over her face.

"Okay Okay bye." I said as I kissed her head again, as I grabbed my keys and made my way to the door, Something in me told me to say goodbye once more so I did and kiss her again.

"Justin what are you still doing here?" Y/N grinned at me, I smiled and kissed her lips once more.

"Goodbye babygirl."

"Goodbye Justin."

"I love you Y/N"  I said as I stood up grabbing my keys once again.

"I love you too." She replied and that's when I made my way out the door.

Once I was in the studio for a few hours I got hungry and decided to go for a bite to eat, I walked out and jumped in my car deciding to take the highway. Since my favorite pizza shop was down there that way.

But I was stopped with all this commotion, there was a car wreck on the road and that's when I felt my heart stop.

It was Y/N's car, and there she was laying on the ground, blood everywhere.

I ran out my car, rushing down the road.

"Sir you cant come this way!"

"That's my wife! Lemme see her! Please!" I said, he sighed and let me go.  They finally picked Y/N up and set her in the ambulance.

"Im sorry but she died upon impact."

~ Present ~

"Now a few words from her husband Justin." The Pastor said.

I looked forward and made my way up there, I looked down my 10 year old daughter and my mom.

"Life has a weird way of working/ The unfortunate day my wife had passed I kissed her once on her head, but something told me to do it again. And I did. " I said once I got up there behind the podium, I sniffed and looked at my wedding ring.

"I wish just wish that I could bring her back, someway somehow. Just to hear her say I love you again.  I find myself asking God if this is a test, and everyday Y/N isnt with me I know it's the real deal. But the memory of my wife will not fade from any of us. She was an amazing care giver, a wonderful wife and the worlds best mom. " I said as I looked at my daughter. She clenched the necklace her mom gave her and I turned back to the family.

"Y/N was a person who cared about everyone but herself, when we were having little Jessica I wanted to run, but she made sure I had confidence even though she was scared herself. That was my wife and boy am I proud to say that."

I sighed and clenched my jaw feeling more tears come to my eyes and I looked at the coffin, "I Love you babygirl, always have always will." I said and made my way down the steps.

After more people had spoken people had started to say there goodbye personally to Y/N, me and Jessica went last. She slowly took the flower clip out of her hair and set it in her mothers limp hands.

"This is the only flower that I feel she deserves dad." She said without looking at me, I sniffled and nodded.

"Whys that?"

"Cause it will never die like my love for her, or the love she had for us."

I nodded and squeezed her hand, and with my free hand I pulled out a necklace I was gonna give it to her for our anniversary that's today, so I opened the locket and glanced at the photo of us.  Stared for a few moment than shut it again setting it in her casket.

"Happy Anniversary."

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now