The stepmom (sexual)

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"So I have to meet another? The fact that this is my second step mother in two years doesn't bother you?" Justin asked his father, shocked.

"Listen here boy she is sweet and funny and I enjoy her attitude." His dad spoke honestly, "What does it mean to you? I'm happy and you should be happy for me."

Justin sighed and started to feel a bit guilty, but with no hesitation he took back what he said, "You right dad I apologize. I bet she wonderful."

Before Jeremy can say anything the doorbell rang, Jeremy smiled and quickly shuffled to the door. Justin walked further into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle that was on the counter.

"Justin meet YN." Jeremy said smiling, Justin turned around and his eyes met with twinkling ones. YN walked in her smile shining in Justin face, not  a word out of his mouth she spoke to him.

"Hi Justin, its finally great to meet you" She smiled walking up to him. He swallowed hard and smiled back at her

"Likewise.  I c-cant wait to get to know you " Justin stuttered his eyes wanting to wonder but he hasn't let them.

~ One month later~

Justin and his stepmother have grow closer, and not the way they should have. HE found her stares growing longer when he was by the pool and his too. He had no issue when she would sit next to him bikini tight and legs shining in the sun.

They were home alone, Jeremy was working and YN was alone in there room her eyes closed and dreams running a pattern

Justin sat in his old room looking around for his extra guitar strings. "Did dad use them sometime this week?" He asked, standing up. He traveled to his dad's room wondering where YN went. "'She's working to probably," he said shrugging.

Justin walked in his dads room and stopped suddenly frozen in his spot. There was YN, laying in his dads bed in his dress shirt half undone. He could see the side of her boob and felt his mouth start to water. He walked a bit closer, and found his hand reaching before him without him remembering doing so.

He was now next to her, he still counldn't see her full boob like he wanted, using his hand he moved a little bit of her shirt out the way and bit his lip.

YN was awake.

But she didn't need Justin to know that. Feeling her shirt move over she felt the cool air graze her nipple. She moved a bit to the side to make it seem like she moved in her sleep, but she could still feel Justin's present next to her.

He was taking to long for her liking, she decided to make the first move. She slowly opened her eyes and made contact with Justin. "hey there."

Justin started to panic thinking he disrespected her. "I-im sorry I just-" he licked his lips, Yn saw this and slowly felt her panties become wet. She hushed him and pulled the shirt off completley, "Use your tongue Justin... I know you've been thinking about it."

"W-what about my dad! You cant just-"

Yn cut him off, "I'm waiting."

Justin couldn't help but lean forward and wrap his tongue around his stepmothers nipple, she gasped softly and pushed some of the covers back. Biting her lip she pulled Justin's pants down and he stood up.

Before YN co9uld even pull him out the door started to open, Justin grabbed YN's hands and shoved her back.

"Justin! I got off!" He heard his dad yell, Justin froze.

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