The dancer

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Justin's p.o.v

"Justin this girl is amazing, she'd be great to help when your onstage and you need a lead." Nick said, I nodded and walked into the small little dance studio.

"How good?"

"She choreographed Justin timberlakes tour, a bit of nickis and she's planning to join Alicia keys." He commented.

We sat in some chairs in the back and a girl walked up.

"That's her. " nick pointed out, I smiled and nodded hearing a remix of Ciara's like a body party.

She started dancing a moving across the dance floor in a graceful yet amazing manner.

After the song she smiled and walked towards nick hugging him in the process

"Nicky!! " she giggled, he rolled his eyes and laughed as he hugged her.

"Hey doll. This is Justin Bieber the client I wanted to bring to you."

Her eyes went wide and she stuttered a bit, "O-oh my god! Hi!"

I smiled and shook her hand as I kisses it, "hello. I was wondering if you wanna help me choreograph sorry for the stage? "

She nodded and pointed behind her.

"Let's hit it."

Short I know but I didn't know what to do with it

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