Magic Tricks BWWM

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"Justin what the hell? Jesus ever since you took off from the tour you've been doing things like this." YN groaned, her best friend of countless years and countless months managed to push some buttons day by day. And how did he do it you might ask? Magic Tricks.

Hes been taking things around the house and making them "Re-appear" right before her eyes.

Grabbing her wrist Justin sat YN down, "SH sh... now I will make these simple and amazing handcuffs appear on her wrists instead of mine!" HE said speaking to no one but did it anyways, he pulled YN hands  and placed them under a sheet.  He placed his under as well and then stayed still for a few minutes, then pulled the sheet away.

He and YN were handcuffed.

Yn chuckled softly and nodded, "cool this went well. Now take them off."

Justin nodded and attempted to pull them off, "W-well um this isnt working well because I-im not using the key." Yn looked at him as if the answer was right in front of them, "So use the fucking key."

"I l-lost them?"

"You locked us in the handcuffs, knowing damn fucking well there was no key?"

Justin shrugged softly, "I thought I Knew the trick good enough"

YN eyes went wide and then turned into a scowel, " Get us out now!"

"I Can't! until Jordan comes back because he knows the trick better than me. " YN managed to breath in, She looked at Justin as sweet as she could. Then used her free hand to wrap her hand around his neck. HE started to scream help but she refused to let him go, until he was turning blue

"YN YN " he kept shouting and then let go once his hand tickled her side, "That's murder what the fuck YN!"

"Its not murder if I let you go!"

HE looked at her and then attempted to run upstairs, YN ran as well until YN had one foot on the bottom of the steps and her free hand on the handle of the steps.

Justin slipped and stumbled a bit, before mumbling "Oh god your handcuffed to me."

Yn rubbed a temple because of her idiot pal and then once again attempted to choke him, but this time he stopped her.

" No No don't do that unless were having sex"

YN looked at him not expecting this cute little guy liking choking in the bed room.

"Justin? You're a pain lover?"

He turned red, "Its none ya business" and turned to his side.

"When does Jordan get here?" She said sighing, glancing at the kitchen clock.

"Not for another four hours so lets just watch movies and stuff until he comes."

The two let the time pass, movie after movie, nap after nap, snacks after snacks until they got bored. And Jordan didn't come for another hour in a half.

"This may be bad to say." Justin said licking his lips, " But I have to pee"

YN sighed and ignored what he said, "What did you say?"

"I have to pee."

She groaned and shrugged, "Dude you have to hold it! Im not going in there with you."

"You have too! Anyways ive been holding it since twelve!"

" Then hold it till four when Jordan gets here!" She snapped, Justin ignored his best friend and pulled her into the bathroom.  He handed her a towel and sighed, "Cover your face."

She sighd and used her free hand to hide her face, She felt her handcuffed hand lower to his zipper and he unzipped, then there hands dropped on the side.

She heard trickling meaning he was peeing, "Hold on its falling." He said referring to the towel, he used his free hand  to fix it but then YN Noticed something.

"Y-your not holding your dick?"

"I was but then I stopped it.... Its long enough to aim for the toilet anyways."

She froze.. "Hurry up.{"

Justin laughed and then flushed, zipped himself up and  then heard the doorbell ring.

"Jordan!" YN shouted and ran down the stairs, Justin trailing behind.

Once they were close to the door YN swung it open revealing the long haired boy

"Hey Justin... Hey YN. I heard you two were stuck." HE laughed and pulled the handcuff key from his pocket.

YN glared at Justin, who was scratching the back of his head, "Magic?"

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