The shoes

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Your p.o.v

" MISS " I heard, o sighed

" one second "

" MAAM " another one called, I grabbed the bred 11's and ran to the young boy.

" accuse me sir lemme help him first! " I yelled out, he rolled his eyes and than I heard the jungle.

" can I have some help " the young man called, I sighed and held up  one finger and stood up in the counter.

" if you are picking up shoes go to the left!
If you are returning come in front
And buyers stand in the right! " I said and saw propel shuffling yo the places.

The boy who came in was last so I technically I didn't have to rush him.

After I helped all the people he was there and I smiled.

" I am so sorry it's just my boss doesn't help and- " he and his friends chuckled, signaling me to relax. I sighed smiling, and walked with them go the sneakers.

" so anything you want? " I smiled

" yea these in a ten  " he said holding up blue Nikes, I nodded and walked off to find his shoe.

Once I found it I went back to him, once he was satisfied we went to the register.

" name? " I asked, he smirked.

" Justin Bieber "

" oh uh well here ya go " I blushed handing him his receipt he smiled and walked off.

But he left his wallet, I grabbed it and ran outside hoping that he wasn't far.

" you left your money! " I yelled as I caught up to him, he smiled.

" I know I just wanted you to hand it to me, you know? So I can get your number " he smirked unlocking his phone and handing it to me.

I smiled " what if I never came back "

" than I would be out of cash and an opportunity to ask you out "

" glad I came "

" so am I " he chuckled.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now