Messed up

893 36 2

Justin's p.o.v

I need to apologize, I made this mistake... I'm pretty sure I ruined her. I ruined us

I walked it Mary's house, and she hugged me I thought ur was innocent and than things I got far.

I was gonna text her... But this us more of a face to face issue, I needed to talk to her I needed to explain to her

I forgot about Y/N temporarily I forgot there was a beautiful girl at home loyal to me who actually loved me.

I sighed and rang her doorbell my heart racing and hands shaking, how do I tell her that I cheated with her sister. How do I tell her I forgot she was mine. How do I tell her that I didn't need her than?

I still felt Mary's arms wrapped around me coaxing me tempting me. It was a mistake I know it is.

When she opened the door, she smiled brightly but I just stood there

" Justin? " she asked, I raised my head to her.

" I cheated "

She stood there and looked at me probably taking a second to process me

" what? Justin Coke inside your not making any sense " she asked, and i stepped in.

" baby it's exactly how it sounds, I cheated and Mary and I- "

" Mary? " she said cutting me off, I stood there and she broke down.

" my sister? Ugh you I can't believe you! "

L baby listen please "

" no! Cause your gonna tell me it's a mistake but it NOT its a choice and you and her choice to betray me "

" baby I'm sorry! "

" no Justin please leave " she said, " and we're over "

I lost my love

My friend

My home

My family

My sunshine

And my happiness

I didn't it would happen so quickly but, darkness is consuming.



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