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Jason's p.o.v

I sat there in the court room looking at Y/N. She wouldn't make eye contact with me but my baby doll was shaking in fear.

When she finally looked up at me I licked my lips and whispered 'mine' with a wink. She looked away and her attorney stood up.

"Please Y/N, speak to the court."

"I uh, I was kidnapped on my birthday, I had just turned 18. So I started getting ready for my party. Thankfully I was able to enjoy it you know? But um later that night as I was bathing that's when i was taken." She muttered. I smirked and out up two fingers licking between then.

I smirked as the jury started groaning, cringing. Y/N did the same, as soon as she hit the floor I stood up.

"Like the sound of ringing guys?" I smirked as it got worse for them. I walked towards Y/N and laughed.

"Think your leaving me love?"

She looked up at me In pain, "you don't hear that?!" She yelled, I rolled my eyes. I know she heard a high pitching sound but I don't give a damn.

"Come on Y/N."

I gripped her torso and picked her up, dragging her into the streets.

"No one leaves."

She whimpered and I through her in, her back slamming the car door. She squealed and I rolled my eyes shutting the door

"Don't start with me Y/N."

Justin Bieber imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang