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Your p.o.v

"Baaaaabe." I heard justins voice whine, i sighed and ignored him.



"What!" I said finally snapping, he looked at me and pouted.

"Dang babes. You yelled at me."

"Yes well you irritated me, you see I'm studying Jay."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing behind my ear to my neck, if I didn't have a sweatshirt I would melt but thankfully not tonight.

"Baby I love you I really do but don't you have something to do with scooter."

He sighed and sat up "I barely see you cause of work and school and when there's finally time your trying to get rid of me again?" He was heartbroken.

I thought about it and really understood him.


He ignored me.

"Juju." I tried again, nothing.

I sighed and sat up wrapping my arms around him, and kissed his ear to his next just like he did to me not long ago.

I saw him bit his lip and I Smirked.

"Let's study some chemistry." He smirked rolling us over

Giggling I kissed his lips "your so corny."

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now