How bout now?

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( inspired by KinkyJB hers was called nerd in her imagines so check it out!)

( My book is more than one race so I didn't just want to make this for one race, or hairstyle. So I have African, Caucasian, Brunette Caucasian, Latina, Arabic and a Indian ( in order from left to right ) Of these do not look right I am so so sorry comment something and I'll fix it.

This is what you look like after your make over. Song for this chapter s how bout now ) ~Sasha

Your p.o.v

I walked into class hearing whispered and giggles, I sighed and sat down knowing the whisper and giggles were about me. See the school nerd gets no help, if your disliked you're disliked.

And unfortunately I'm disliked.

I wasn't like the other females, I had blemishes and I had some split ends and I didn't wear clothes like they did.

"Hey!" I heard a voice call, looking up I saw Justin Bieber, the hottest most popular guy in school.

"Uh y-yea?"  I asserted shutting my book.

Chuckling he looked at me "wanna go to prom with me? It's in two weeks."

Shocked I nodded and smiled.

The next morning I walked up to Justin and he looked at me as i moved my glasses up more on my face.

"Hey what time are you picking me up? Y-you know for prom? Just so I have details." I asked.

Then he started laughing, like a stomach hurting laugh.

"Y-you thought I was going to prom with you for real?! " I felt the tears coming, he kept laughing up to the point where everyone was asking what happened.

I ran down the hall and locked myself in the bathroom, crying silently. But than I stopped, I had enough of this look, I had enough of my style and I certainly has enough of all this bullying!

It was time things changed.

After school I walked home and went to my room, no one was home so u opened all my makeup I got for Christmas and went to work.

What bout now Justin?

The next morning I styled my hair, put in some contacts and put on a black crop top, high wasted jeans and Jordan's.

I dabbed some make up to cover some blemishes and my sister said I can use her car since she isn't using for a while.

I walked into the school and I smirked at the stairs, no one expected me to snap but what can I say I was fed up.

I past by Justin and I winked, his jaw dropping in the process.

He was walking to me but stopped when Jason McCann walked up to me and we walked to class together. Oops.

After about third period I was left a note telling me to meet Justin behind the bleachers, so me being me I went. 

"What's up Justin?" I asked, I saw him full and walk up to Me.

"Look Y/N I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have bullied you buy yo make it up to you do you wanna go to prom?"

I sighed and shook my head "sorry but I can't."

He stated at me in disbelief "w-what?"

"Yea, Jason asked me and I'm going with him." I stated, I checked my phone time and sighed.

"I gotta go... By Justin. And you should ask Marie... She wants to go with you." I smiled

And I walked off.


Part two?! Or nah?

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now