Lost memories

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The two soul mates sat in the cold and white hospital room, one sitting one the side the other hooked up to wires, looking at the black screen of the television. Just asking the one they love for there's favorite things.

"Stroke my hair."

"Give me a kiss"

"Tell me how we first met."

The two knew there time together was ending but one of them will truly be ended forever, one could believe it but the other was barely hanging on.

"I have a promise list."

The one on the end nodded at the sickly pale human and licked there lips, "what are they?"

Still staring at the black screen the pale other have started there list, "don't stay in mourning for me, don't stop your life for me, cherish all your happiness, tell our beautiful baby girl everything we did together, when we argued, when we kissed, when we would laugh and tell each other jokes, make sure she grows up with an image of me. And find another person you love."

Wiping the tears from there face they looked down again, there lover was staring at the black tv screen, tears cascading down there face, seeing there not so healthy reflection and then there lovers sad face.

They could not believe it

Like a light all there moments flashed through there heads, the laughing, the screaming, the crying, the diagnosis.... the diagnosis, then the death that  sadly will be the last thing they have of each other. 

"We could've helped keep you here."

"And what? Be tortured my whole life hooked up to wires and to the same trips making me suffer more? Making you suffer more? This world takes people and brings people and I'm being taken. I don't wanna be taken from you, from my child or anyone else in this family but I needed you to move on. I needed myself to move on. Whether that's with your or in this after life is not your choice.... it's not my choice "

They healthy of the two knew that what they had said wrong, they didn't want there love to suffer But they knew they would suffer without them. They hated the fact they couldn't talk face to face anymore hey have to go through there thoughts, they hated to holding each other would stop, all they had was pictures.

The strongest one lifted the sickly and weak ones chin and pressed there lips against there cold ones one last time and as the weak pulled back there time was up.

They felt there breath get rapid, there chest get heavy, there eyelids were closing but the still managed to pull the words out of there mouth

"I love you."

The strongest of the two said I love you too and stared at the black tv screen, feeling there lovers body go limp next to them.

The family was called to hear the sad news, and when they all were around the now gone loved one sobs and cries were Broken into the room, constant 'come backs' ' I need you' and 'I love you" were all over the place.

The lover was in the door way, watching as the family said good bye to there passed family member, there passed friend,  and there passed everything. The doctor now told them they had to go and they did, they kept there silence in the car ride silent tears and muffled sniffles hit there body repeatedly but it wasn't until they got home.

As soon as the door shut,  muffled sobs turned into loud wails, quite thoughts turned into screaming sounds, the hurt lover met the floor and there body was racked with the pain of losing someone and they didn't know how to handle it.

They seemed so lost, so blind, so misplaced, they couldn't make it to the lonesome room they didn't want to make it there. There body let out one harsh scream "ITS NOT FAIR."

There throat hurt, head was pounding, eyes were uncontrollable with tears.

Into the silent room and into the wind the broken human whispered "what am I supposed to do now?" And once again there body was filled sobs and harsh shakes.

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