Im his maid ( interacial)

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The young girl was sweeping the kitchen, when the woman of the house emerged.

"You! " she called, the girl put the broom aside and scurried to the woman.

"Yes Mrs. Bieber?"

"My son is coming and before he gets here I want everything done! Meaning wash the clothes, feed the animals, polish the silverware, clean the rooms and clean the kitchen. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"He will be here while me and my husband are out so please make sure you give him what he wants."

"Yes ma'am." When she walked out I shut the door and went to my chores.

"Hello!" I heard a voice and I scurried
Down the steps.

"Hello Mr. Bieber can I get you anything?"

He stared at me, his eyes glistening.


He snapped out of it "uh yes, some water please with ice."

I nodded and went to go get him some water adding ice Cubes. I turned around and I hit a hard chest.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Mr.Bieber please lemme help you clean-"

"It's fine, no one can get mad at a beautiful woman like you. And if they can they have no soul."

"Scuse me?" I said utterly confused, he held my hand and smiled.

"Your beautiful and I can't help but want to get to know you."

"Oh sir I can't do that."

"I'm pretty sure my mom wants you to do anything I want right?"

I nodded.

"I want to get to know you ma'am."

"Well my name is Y/N I'm 19 and I like to write."

He smiled and held my face in his hands, "well let me right you a scenario. Me and you sneaking out into the garden and sharing a lovely dinner."

I shook my head "is love to but I can't your the masters son and if I'm caught with him."

He put his fingers to my lips and smirked "you'll be okay I promise."

"Are you sure sir?"

"It's Justin and I'm positive."

Justin Bieber imaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum