For @Queen_Tiffany101

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*warning there is depression and very strong themes. So please do not read if uncomfortable. You all are beautiful. :* )

Requested by Queen_Tiffany101 my Filipino!!!!!
And this is long I couldn't do a cliff hanger.

Your p.o.v

"Why can't you just listen to me?" I whimpered to my boyfriend.

"Because why would I listen to some cheater." He replied as if I should've knew.

"But I listened too you when you snuck out to see Selena!"

He tensed.

"Oh what happened?! Did your cheater girlfriend hit a nerve?!"

"SHUT UP! God I listen to you and I can't help but feel like you never loved me but loved my wallet. "

I couldn't help but let my tears fall, his wallet?

"Justin you know I always stuck by you! Even when you went to jail! And
Where were the other girls?! Huh?"

He laughed sarcastically "all you did was bail me out! "

"And I wish I didn't!"

"I bet you do? Why so when I'm in jail m money is easier to get too? Or when I'm not home you can bring a guy here?!"

I let all his words sink in and I started to cry.

I ran upstairs and locked myself in his bedroom, I pulled out my duffle bag and grabbed my clothes, toothbrush, and some. I grabbed phone with its charger and opened the door seeming w shirtless Justin drinking beer.

"Where you going?" He spat.

"Home. I'm clearly not wanted here, so why would I stay?"

He stared for a minute and he shrugged "I dunno where your going? I bought you that car your not gonna take

I sighed and walked out anyways, I went around the corner and waited behind some building just to see if
He cared enough to chase after me.

And when I didn't here footsteps I know he didn't care.

I went to my own house and flopped down on my bed. I sat there and replayed all the images on my head.

I gave him everything and I couldn't help but realize that I wasn't meant for the love of my life.

My hearted started to burn

My mind started to replay old memories

My body started to loose feeling

My body was imperfect and I wanted to paint perfection on it.

I grabbed my razor and say on the floor, looking at the imperfect skin.

Nothing physical, but so much emotion.

I sighed and kept making m art.
Left to right

right to left

up and down

Side to side

And my arms, and heart were aching I decided to stop all pain.

I managed to limply take my arms and read in my bag, grabbing the Advil.

Two: for the pain

Four; for the thought

Six: for the memories

And twelve more for Justin.

I sat there and let my vision blur, my breathing slow, and my tiredness grew.

I blinked through the blur and grabbed
My phone opened my alarm and out a timer for thirty minutes.

And I wrote Justin a note in my notes.

I love you.

That's all I wanted to say, I couldn't live like this. With you not by my side, no one to be a light through my darkness. So I did this for me not you. I want you to marry, have kids and rock on.

I love you Justin, and I know you did.

And than eventually, I laid on my side and let the darkness wrap around me.

Justin's p.o.v

I sat in my bed crying, I wanted Tiffany I wanted her and I screwed up! God every good thing in my life I have to destroy?! I broke her heart.

"Tiffany? Baby answer
Me?" I said a so left a message.

"Baby please?! I love you I messed up don't be upset." That was another

"Princess I'm coming to see you. " that was the last.

In ten minutes I was at her house, the door was locked and I kept ringing and knocking. I eventually saw her window was open and I climbed up it, I saw her hand on the floor and redness coming from under it.

"Tiffany? TIFFANY?!" I yelled, I ran to her sighed and cradled her in my arms. Her phone buzzed as an alarm went off and it said notes, I read the note and tried waking her upz

"Baby girl?! Baby! " I grabbed her scarf and wrapped it around her wrists trying to stop the blood. I saw a bottle on the floor and I acted fast

I st her up and stool my fingers down her throat making her throw up the pills.

"BABY! "

She touched her hand to my face and it fell again, I picked her up and ran to my car, and drove quickly to the hospital.

"HELP?! She cut herself!!! And took pills please help!" I yelled as I ran in

People ran to me and took her away, I couldn't go back there.

After two hours  they called me, and I ran to the

"She almost died, we had to pump her stomach and patch up her wounds, she is weak but awake... Would you like to see her? " he asked, I nodded.

I followed his back there and she turned to me.


I couldn't help but kiss her, she seemed surprised and I spoke out.

"I'm dumb, I really am! Your my potential wife! I want you Tiffany baby girl I do." I said crying in her arms, she started crying and held me as I held her.

"I'm sorry I really am." I whisper

"Baby please just hold me, please hold me and tell me you love me once more."

kissed her head and held her "I love you."

"I love you too" she whispered.

Justin Bieber imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora