Left at the alter

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Shout out to llaurynhill-
She made me like feel through this story like yassss y'all need to read it like go to her her damn books like how

Thank you ☺️👍🏾 read on

Your p.o.v

I smiled as my hair went into a classic bun, my fingers fiddling with the wedding ring on my finger. I was nervous, beyond nervous and I was terrified.

My cousin kissed my cheek as she walked away, sighing I pulled a strained a hair to the side of my face.

I smiled as I thought of I do, flowing out of our mouths.

"Princess?" My dad said as he walked in the room, I turned to him.

"It's time. My little munchkin all grown up, her wedding so close." He whispered as tears fell down our faces, I smiled and gave a breathy laugh as he wiped mines away.

"No tears beautiful."

I smiled as my soon to be husband came closer with each step I took.

Once I got into the alter, I let the priest say his words.

"Do you take Justin's as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked me, I nodded smiling.

"I do."

"Do you take y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?" Justin looked down

"I don't."

I held my bouquet tighter and gasped, I felt like all the air has been walked out my body.

"Y-you don't?"

He shook his head and stepped down a few steps, "I want crystal." He muttered, I turned and saw my sister walking up behind him.

"Y/N I'm sorry but-" I threw the bouquet at her feet and nodded my head softly.

"It was at my party."

Justin stayed quiet and I nodded, "get the fuck out. You'll get all your money back soon. Just get the fuck away from me. Don't call me or text me either of you."

"This would've and could've been out anniversary. Love you."

I lifted the ends of my dress and walked out brushing past them.

Today was supposed to be our day.


So crappy but it's worth it and lemme just say Lauryn girl


Justin Bieber imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora