His brother pt2

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I opened the mailbox and sifted through my mail, my phone started blaring and without a thought I picked it up.


"Why you told me not to text you."

I sighed, "your bad news Jason. Ain't you wanted?"

He chuckled and I heard a sigh, "even if that's the case princess u can still see you."

I turned around," where are you? Huh you sick freak?"

"Lock your doors Y/N. Wouldn't want you to not feel safe huh?"

And he hung up.

I ran into the house, I locked the doors but immediately screamed. My house had photos of me, posted everywhere, me shopping, me cleaning, cooking anything i did.

I ran upstairs and lifted up my bed, grabbing a whole bunch of papers and shoving them into my bag.

I heard the door bang, once

It was hit again.

The door broke open, I saw Jason at the bottom of the steps.

"Don't slam that door."

I slammed the door shut and locked it, I grabbed my bag and opened the window. Getting ready to climb out, I bit my lip and pushed my whole body out the window.

I ran to my car only to hear yelling, I didn't look back I didn't want to. I unlocked the car and swung the door open and jumped in.

"Got ya! " Jason jumped in behind me, trying to pull me out the car.

"No! No!" I punched him and kicked him repeatedly.

Once he fell out the car I sped out, door open and all. I grabbed it and slammed it shut.

During the ride u had to think of what he wanted from me.

Other than his money

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