Chapter 2

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A/N - This chapter is super short because I had no other way to end the chapter other than where I did. Sorry about that. Enjoy.

Walking back to my room I turn my stereo on super low and climb back into bed. I hum along to the music and drums my fingers on my side. Music is always the answer. Right when I am falling into REM sleep I hear a loud groan. I rocket up and look around, "Lo? Lo come on. Not funny." I get up and open my door and look down the hall. Her black hair is the first thing I see, "Hey, were you just in here?"

    She shakes her head looking perplexed, "No, why?"

    "Thought I heard someone in pain right next to me."

    "Night terror?" she suggests casually.

    "Wasn't all the way out for that. Must be my music screwing up."

    A small smile curves her lips, "Probably."

    "I'm sorry Lo," I look down embarrassed.

    "Tis all good. I'm about to pass out. No more dreams."

    I nod, "I kinda promise."

    Going back into my room and hitting the off button on my stereo I climb back into my bed and get comfortable.


    I jolt out of bed and hit my wall. Okay, that was not Lo. That was a deep male voice and in obvious pain. I frown and look at my now evil clock. 3:45AM. "Fuck...," I mutter as I sit down crossed legged on the bed. Meditation has helped, but I don't think it will help this time. Hearing a voice that close while not being asleep has never happened before, but I guess it was bound to sometime.

    Being receptive of people has always been a thing of mine. I just have never been this involved. Like I am living through what is happening in real time. Calming down I start my meditation to see where all these dreams are coming from. Imagination gone wild? Probably not. But no harm in looking. Looking is getting me no where as I grow frustrated and develop a headache. Untangling my limbs I lay haphazardly on my bed. This is when I finally get some sleep.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now