Chapter 45

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I have been running around getting the rest of my Christmas gifts done. So.... I'm finally done. A month early. Yay! Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to the American readers. Hope you had a good one.

Anyway... Hope you like it.

I woke up after what seemed like days when it was only a few hours. Being in a weird position, I awkwardly fell out of the bed. Without much thought I made my way to the shower.

After getting out I change into new clothes and made my way out of the room. I rushed past the room Ryan was in and headed into the living room. Looking around I saw the Lads on the couch with the TV on, but no one was watching it.

I walked over and sat down on the arm chair. Clearing my throat to get their attention, "Is he alright?"

Ray nodded, "He's stable. Doc took out the bullet in his side."

"That's good. I'm glad."

"Are you mad at us Jaxx?" Gavin asked not looking at me.

I shook my head, "No. I'm not mad. It was just shock."

"Really?" Gavin asked finally looking up at me.

"Really. I get it. My family would do the same in a heartbeat."

Micheal breathed out quickly, "We were really worried. We don't want you to hate us for anything let alone this."

I smiled faintly, "I know. I just needed to process everything my own way."

They all smiled at me and kept not watching the TV infront of them. But the final news segment caught my attention.

In the last story tonight; an officer is being hailed as a hero tonight after what a source of information is reporting that he shot down the notorious killer Vagabond in a bank heist today. Officer Keasly in this body cam footage was seen shooting the murderer twice hitting him both times. Then the crew took off...

Ray got up quickly and went to the back of the house. Just as quick, Geoff and Jack both walked into the living room.

"Play it from the beginning," Geoff said.

Micheal grabbed the remote and back-tracked the TV segment. Everything replayed. I scowled at the news, this is crazy.

Geoff made a face that was boarderline pissed, "Officer Keasly. Jack, find him."

Jack nodded, "I'm on it."

"Also, I want to know who that source of information is. I want to know why they are telling everyone he's dead."

"I want to know the same thing," she said stiffly.

I watched everyone go and get the information. This wasn't good. Why were people saying and reporting he was dead. This doesn't make sense. Opening this can of worms would make the crew that was after her come out of hiding and rush right for...

"Wait! It's a ruse. No one knows that he wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest. It has to be a lure to get whoever ambushed you out and reveal who the cop was. Win win."

"Can you prove that?" Geoff asked.

"Hang on. Let me make a phone call," I said dashing to my room and back out with my phone in hand. Punching in the familiar number, I hit the speaker button. "Hello Jaxx," a deep voice said.

"Dad. Have you seen the news?"

"Yes. He isn't dead. I know that," he said calmly.

"The news segment was a lie then," I said with room to answer.

"Exactly. I knew an officer was involved. Greg said so and as did the FakeAH Crew. I took a shot and was right," he said before hanging up.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now