Chapter 65

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A/N: Alright, here is the next chapter. I am now stuck on the ending. I am trying to get back into the mind set of what I want this thing to be over... it is a lot harder then I thought it would be. Anyway, I am glad people are still with me to this point. Thank you to everyone who has and to people who have added this to their public lists and private ones, voted, commented and everything else. THANK YOU!!

Anyway... Enjoy!

Jaxx POV

I tired to take off the blindfold for the fourth time since he left me this time around. After about 10 minutes I gave up and rolled my head back, "This fucking sucks."

The door burst open which caused me to jump. Someone stepped in behind me, "This time. I am going to get what I want."

"My rescue party has shown up eh?" I smiled.

"They just came through the gate. But something they don't know... I have a few tricks up my sleeve," he said with humour in my ear.

Grounding my teeth I tried to calm my nerves. I've made it this far in what's going on. I am not going to be victimized by this asshole.

"You have lost your nerve Jaxx. How cute."

"Fuck you," I growled at him.

"Still a cocky bitch while having the lower hand. You have no cards and still this way," he groaned.

"Now now. No way to talk to your superior. Remember, you are in my game."

Suddenly I hear a voice towards the door, "I've just spotted Vagabond. Son of a bitch is still alive."

I smirked, "Uh-oh. Someone is in trouble."

Another smack on the face was what I got back again, "I cannot wait to make you learn your lesson. I'm gonna have fun."

"Yeah. Yeah," is all I said before the same voice came back.

"They just got past the first cabins. About to come up on the second."

"Good. The third ones have the bombs do they not?"

"Yeah. Every cabin is rigged. Explodes as soon as the door is open."

I froze for a second once hearing about the bombs. My mind kicked into overdrive about how they are going to get out of this one. But also, it's not just the Fake AH Crew out there. I know my brothers are here as well. There is no way they would know I'm here and not come here to ensure my safety.

"They made it out of the second round of the cabins. They are good, I'll give them that."

A growl behind me caught my attention, "They aren't going to be around for long. Shut the fuck up about them."

I sighed, "You're gonna die anyway. Go ahead, keep talking."

The guy kept quiet after that. My mind kept going back to the next round of explosive cabin door, 'Please don't open the doors! They are rigged!' I kept repeating this over and over in my head.

"They stopped. What the hell?"

I moved my head towards the voice. A small smiled played on my lips.

"They are walking back up to the doors. They have to know. Like, how would they not."

I whispered, "Come on guys. Don't be stupid."

About a minute later several explosions shook the entire room and ground surrounding us.

"Holy fuck. No way they survived that."

A shuttered breath left my lungs and my head dropped. This has to be the worst thing to have happened out of everything. A second of my brain processing what happened and my heart broke. He can't be dead, "No no no no no. Please."

"Your future you saw no longer is a thing. Poor little Jaxx," he laughed in my ear.

Taking a breath I held my head up with tears finally escaping my eyes; being soaked up by the blindfold, "Oh no. It's still in play. Just need to happen at a different time. Don't get a head of yourself asshole."

"Hey. Guard the door just in case someone survived. I don't trust this."

I stayed quiet and just tired to breath. My mind was going a million miles an hour. Then my body was twitching around in the chair without my consent. It was like I was fighting an invisible opponent with my hands tied behind my back. My breathing became heavier as I kept twitching and allowing the acceptance of the explosions to take over.

A knock on the door made my head whip up and my body stop. Holding my breath I hear someone I thought was gone.

"Nice try asshole," A tired Geoff yelled.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now