Chapter 61

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A/N: Alright, here is the weekly update. Yay! Thank you to everyone voting, commenting and putting this in their reading lists (private and public). I love this story/ff. I honestly do and don't want it to end. However, all good things must end and I want to give you a heads up. There will be about 5-9 more chapters until the end. Probably more on the 9 side. I don't know if I am going to do a sequel... I will think about it.


Loud thumping on my door woke me up. I sighed and walked over to open it, "What?"

Jack stood there unimpressed and said, "War room. Ten minutes."

I nodded, "Okay." Closing my door and quickly showered again. Changing my clothes I stopped and ended up staring off into space. My mind went to the worst of the worst of what's happening. Shaking my head violently, I left my room and headed towards the room. I walked in and everyone went quiet, "What?"

"Your stunt went viral. The news is freaking out and my inbox is full about you still breathing," Geoff said from the whiteboard at the front.

"Good. It felt normal," I shrugged and pulled up a chair.

Geoff smiled and shook his head, "Anyway, we might have found her. That Navy yard has reported some 'unusual activity' around the cabins. But too chicken shit to check it out."

"I'm so surprised," Michael said sarcastically.

Before we could respond the door bell went off. Ray jumped up and got it. Soon three Constantines came walking in. Alic threw a vanilla envelope and sat down next to me. The others stood at different parts of the room. They were decked out in their gear ready to go at a moments notice.

I leaned over and grabbed the evelope, "What's this?"

"I pulled a few strings. That is thermal heating photos of the cabins," Alic said.

Flipping threw them I noticed that almost all of the cabins had more than two signatures in them. Then a cabin almost in the exact center had a single heat signature in the center of the room. Every cabin was in a circle surrounding the middle one.

"That has to be her," I said passing the photo to Geoff.

"Smart. To have to in the center of everything. Assholes surround her," Gavin said.

Geoff nodded, "That does change the plan Jack and I had. We figured out that if we did almost the same as the first rescue mission."

Michael laughed, "Yeah. Remember how well that went."

"Better than normal," Gavin smiled.

I smirked and leaned forward, "The new plan?"

"Wave after wave. The first goes then the next; that was the old plan. But the vastness of space rules that out. Plus it's only us, I'm not willing to hire spare guns."

Alic nodded, "Neither are we. A purge of our men hasn't been handled yet."

"Fair enough. So, the new plan on the spot. We start with the outside cabins and slowly work our way in. Alic, who is your best sniper shooter?"

"Greyson, without a doubt. Why?"

Goeff pointed to Ray, "Greyson and Ray will be in makeshift perches to take out anyone we happened to miss. Plus be our eagle eye view."

Ray nodded and looked at the map to figure out where they would be. Geoff pointed out where everyone would start and move together in somewhat unison not to alert the next cabins. We would surround the cabin where Jaxx would be. Because sure as hell the leader would hold her with him as a hostage.

Alic looked over the map, "This seems simple. But the plan is too simple for my liking."

Michael scoffed, "Please, this is what we always do."

Alic raised his eyebrows, "Right. I am going to stay silent. This is how you've earned your reputation."

Gavin laughed, "Good idea. Don't worry, we got this man."

He sighed and looked at me. I gave him a weak smile, "We got this. Just follow our lead. Okay?"

Finally relaxing a bit he nodded at me. I could tell he wasn't happy about the plan. Especially the holes in it that you could drive an 18 wheeler threw. But we thrived on making shit up on the spot while he went on military percision. Practically oil and water mixing on a larger scale.

Looking at Geoff I pointed to the board, "When does all this come into play?"

"Tonight. You have less then 10 minutes to get ready."

"Got it," I said while standing. Walking back, I silently hoped Jaxx would just hang on for a bit longer.

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