Chapter 3

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Waking up to an alarm clock that's blaring 'Get the fuck up bitch!' is annoying but effective. I sit up in another awkward position. Whoever decides to settle with me is going to be surprised at how I wake up in the morning... not where I fell asleep.

    "... the fuck?" I mumble as I stretch out my muscles and exit my room. Usually it takes 30-45 minutes for a girl to shower. I pride myself on 15 minutes. Thank you almost late days. I brush out my wet hair while making breakfast. Worrying about making noise doesn't matter. Lo cant hear a damn thing. A bomb could go off and she would roll over and go back to sleep. I glance at the clock while fixing the last piece of my breakfast 6:45am. Perfect. No being late today.

    I flop down on the couch and turn on the TV. A news channel pops on, I guess Lo was watching this before bed...

    "Only hours ago the notorious group of criminals FAKE AH CREW set the city ablaze last night."

    I laugh lightly, "Of course they have. Russian fucks moving into claimed territory. But don't report on that though." I always hated how the media played on them. Understanding both sides are a necessary for me. But the relentless bashing was getting annoying. Every group has their sympathizers. I guess I am one for the crew.

    "Here is a glimpse of what happened through police dash cam. You can clearly see the one believed to be called BM Vagabond shooting at police. He was severely injured when police shot him several times. He is not in police custody because another member in the purple hoodie shown in the video came and saved the highly wanted criminal and murderer.  Why someone would want to save him is beyond us."

    I roll my eyes, "Ever heard of 'no one gets left behind... ever. Stupid bitch."

    "...Different mob bosses are condemning the gang and wishes the blood shed would cease..."

    I groan, "And this is where I call you a liar and change the channel."

    After more mindless fake drama, I get up and get dressed for work. Five minutes later I am dressed and everything is gathered for my day on the table. Getting out of the door and away from my house took more effort then I wanted or had. Dragging my feet never looked so terrible. These dreams need to take a holiday or something. This everyday crap is just that... crap. Seeing my place of employment up ahead made me cringe. Stupid job. I sigh when someone steps right in front of me and stops.

    "Excuse me..." I say small and go around my sudden obstacle. I keep going without looking back and a sudden feeling of being closely watched. Clenching my teeth, I speed walk the rest of my way to work. Looking down while I was walking I didn't notice the cops or broken glass until I stepped on some and an officer rudely asked me why I was here. I looked up and every window was either blown out completely or had random bullet holes. Seeing my boss I sigh in relief. I head over and weakly smile, "Hey, you alright?"

    His eyes shot open when seeing me, "Fuck. I forgot to tell you not to come in for obvious reasons. I am going to be closed for at least a week. You all will still be given a pay cheque, just not as much as if you were here."

    Nodding I take a look around, "The hell happened?"

    "That crew came through here for a rest. Cops showed up and used the shop for a firing board. Bullet holes are everywhere an I am not paying for anything.... right?" he looks to his left saying the last part and a woman impeccably dressed nods and flashes a fake smile at him.

    Sighing I ask, "Well, I am already here... need any help cleaning?"

    Flashes of gratefulness bounce all over his face, "Actually, if you could that would be great. The smokes and lotto away and counted plus dealing with the tills. Here are the keys. Be careful around all the glass okay? Don't want you to get cut."

    I smile, "Don't worry I got this." Heading inside, bullet holes were everywhere. Even the tills got a few holes in them. Deciding to do them first I yanked the damn things open - empty. "Oh fuck off! Hey Boss... the tills are empty!"

    He came in slow  and sighed heavily, "Of course they are... I emptied them last night." A cheeky smile made its way to his lips.

    I laughed and shook my head, "You almost gave me a heart attack!" Grabbing an empty box I start the long process of destocking everything.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now