Chapter 59

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A/N: Another update! Yay! I just wanted to say thank you to some new people who have come in and read this story, gave it a vote and added it to their reading lists (public and/or private). Plus the people who have already been leaving feed back, thank you so much. I have already worked out how I am going to end this... hopefully it will be up to your standards.

Anyway..... Enjoy!

Ryan POV

I sighed deep as I pulled up the house driveway. But an unfamiliar blacked out sedan caught my eye. With me and the entire crew being 'out of commission' no one should be here. Getting out of the car I took a good look around. When nothing came out at me, I headed towards the front door.

Instantly I heard yelling and shouting bounce through the halls. I slammed the door and it all stopped. One could hear a pin drop. Heading towards Geoff's office, I began to say to no one in particular, "Someone better tell me what the fuck all that was aboout. I've had a long night."

Turning into Goeff's office I saw Geoff and Jack on the business end of the desk and while three Constantine brothers on the other. Everyone was standing and looking incredibly pissed off. I gave everyone a confused look before prompting again, "Well?"

Alic sighed before turning towards me, "Jaxx is gone. She was taken while we were at that party."

I couldn't breath after that first sentence left his mouth. Without much thought I lunged at Alic. I got within an inch before I was stopped by everyone else in the room, "You fucking bastard!"

Alic looked destroyed, "I know."

"She should have stayed here! She was safe here! What the actual fuck Alic?"

"I know! Ryan, we tried everything. Hell, we all left the house for a few days to buy you both time. We came back and he was more determined then ever. We didn't think this would happen. Again."

I growled deep in my throat and tired to fight the grips that held me, "You wait until I get to you. One of you probably told him of our relationship."

The brother to my left sighed, "Charlie told on her about you. The rest kept our mouths closed."

I looked at him trying to find his lie, "Why?"

He smiled just a little at me, "Because we are afraid of her. Not you."

"You guys had no idea what was going to happen."

The other on my right shook his head, "No. It wouldn't have happened if we were there."

I relaxed and straightened myself out, "Let go. I'm good."

Geoff looked at me for a while before letting go and moving back to his chair. I looked to the other Constantines, "Nice grip. But don't touch me again."

"You went for Alic. It was a reflex. I'm Ethan. That one to your right is Greyson," Ethan said going back towards Alic.

Greyson took a step back but didn't move much more than that.

 Trying to fight my murderous tendencies I looked at Alic, "What happened?"

"She stood her ground with our father and refused to attend the party. Greyson got yelled at over a tie and sent home several minutes later. Then about 10 minutes after that I get a frantic call from Grey saying she's gone. I grabbed Ethan and headed home. Once there we break into out fathers office. He figures out we got into his office then practically admits to handing her over so you would take that crew out."

Geoff groaned, "We had a fucking plan. I told Jake that."

"But I guess he kicked it up a notch. I found this," he pulled out a slip of paper.

"That is?" I asked.

"Proof our father set Jaxx up from the start. This was why he wanted her back so bad. To be used to fire you up."

Geoff took the slip, "Broker Navy Yard."

I scoffed, "Perfect spot. Abandoned cabins galore. No wonder we haven't found them in the city."

"And a phone number to boot. Your dads been quiet the busy beaver kids," Geoff said passing the paper to Jack.

Jack took it and ran off to her room to see what she could get. Alic nodded and looked away, "I know. But we came to you as soon as we found out. I'm not trying to earn us brownie points here, but I just wanted you to know."

Geoff sighed, "After all this, we are going to have to renegotiate pretty much everything. Jaxx may not be a blood relative to any of us. But she has earned a place here and this will be taken as if Jake fucked with any of my men. I no longer have faith in the head of your household."

Alic didn't blink before coming back with, "Neither do we. If I am following you correctly no hard feelings should come out of this."

"Good. I look forward on this relationship Alic. Maybe the Constantine name isn't broken beyond repair," Geoff said before standing up, "I will call you when I have the information I need. Piece of advice Alic... I'd get out if I were you."

Alic nodded and left with his brothers in tow. I watched them leave before turning to Geoff, "Now what?"

"No other option but to wait. Meanwhile, get cleaned up. Everyone is home bound until the ducks are in the row."

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