Chapter 37

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A/N: So, here is another chapter for all of you. My life has taken a few surprising turns this past week and I have fallen into one hell of a rut. For future posts, I might be a little late... I am losing the computer I am using now... I just don't know when. I am still going to upload however, that isn't going to change. I am sorry in advance.

Anyway... Enjoy!

Ryan POV

After dinner we walked back to the bedroom. Sitting down on my cot while Jaxx sat down on my bed, the room became thick with questions. Jaxx flashed me a questioning look so I decided to start, "I have a lot to explain don't I?"

She shook her head slowly, "Not really. I have some explaining to do aswell."

I laughed, "Well, you being a Constantine threw me through a loop. Me being here probably did the same to you on some level."

She smiled, "Yes, it definitaly did."

I nodded and had an urge to apologise, "I'm sorry."

She nodded with me, "As am I. We should have told eachother at the beginning."

"Nah, I was having fun. Meeting a nice woman who was slightly mysterious with a weird friend, interesting name and knows how to deal with police. I was getting into it."

Laughing lightly she looked at me, "Was? Sounds past tense."

I shrugged, "More like playing it safe. I honestly don't know how to tred in this water."

"Neither do I. Our name sakes are making it kinda hard," she sighed and looked at her hands.

I smiled small, "Just yours. Mines been throught enough for a life time. I'm nothing compared to you." Which wasn't exactly the truth, but her name held respect while mine carried fear.

Silence engulfed the room. I wanted to keep talking to her, it calmed me oddly. Plus a small part of me wanted to tell her who was in that closet and in my head.

"Is this your room?" her question took me out of my own head.

"Yea. Not much to it. Only here to sleep really," I said looking around the plain walls.

"Why the other bed?" she giggled.

I smiled at her questions, "Because I didn't know how okay you would be with you being in my bed with me in it. So I put this here before you came in."

"Thank you. It would have been a more interesting morning then. Although, that is kind of weird."

I shrugged, "I know. I could have just put you on this cot."

She laughs and thats when she began to get more comfortable, "Would fight you for it."

I laugh with her, "Immovable object meet moutain."

She smiled, "Would be an epic battle."

I agreed, "Totally. Should sell seats for it."

After her laughter died out she seemed nervous to ask me the question I knew was coming, "I have to ask. I've never heard about you and the FakeAH Crew. Why?"

I shifted on the cot and kept glancing at the closet, "Underground member. Not very well known or active, but I do my share."

"You seem very well connected with the other members," she noted.

I shrugged it off, "Ive known them for years, you tend to connect after a while. Just like you and Jo."

She smiled, "True, I've known her for a while. We weren't as in sync as we are now when we met. It was a work in progress."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now