Chapter 42

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who is voting, commenting and just simply reading. Oh, Happy (Belated) Halloween. I had my house done up to the nines but not very many kids. Oh well, it was still good. I didn't even have to work :)

Just a small heads up I might be a little late on the update next week. It is Remembrance Day here in Canada and with everyone being home, I might not be able to get in the computer on Friday. I will try my best however.

Anyway... Enjoy!

Ryan POV

I stood in my apartment armoury holding my back up mask. Everyone was in the living room going over the somewhat solid plan we devised. Good thing I did say bye to Jaxx because we left the houses as soon as the plan was hatched.

The dark room hasn't changed in the slightest. But maybe I have in some weird way. I didn't feel the immediate connection with my ego. It was like he had to fight his way back up. Which, in honesty, I liked. He wasn't front and center and the only thing to focus on. Jaxx now started taking up some of his room.

"Any time this century?" Michael asked which snapped me out of my own head.

"Yea. Got them. Hang on," I quickly threw on the jacket and armed myself with what I had to leave at the house. Slipping my mask under my arm, I walked out into the living room.

"Okay. Everyone knows what they are doing? Ryan and Gavin rush the inside first with Jack and myself close behind. Ryan grabs the tellers from the desks. When everything is under control Jack and Ryan go into the vault that we have the key for and take everything. Michael stays by the door so he's closer to the car as the getaway driver. Ray is our outside sniper and alert for cops. Any questions?"

With the whole room understanding what is happening, Geoff makes a hand gesture to move. All of us amble out of my apartment down to the garage.

Getting into the large truck, we all do a last weapons check and mic before I put on the mask. I am not me anymore and he comes front and center. Doing a quick mic check we drop Ray off at an abandoned building a block over and wait.

Five minutes later Ray gets on his mic, "Alright. I'm in position. This spot sucks, but I can make it work. It's actually pretty slow. Now is the best time."

Geoff told Micheal to park infron of the bank. As soon as the truck was off, we all got out of it like it was on fire.

Micheal stuck to the door and Gavin fired into the air to get everyones attention, "Everyone in the middle! Now!" I went behind the desk and brought the tellers to the front.

"How are we looking from out there?" Gavin asked.

"Good. But you brought attention to yourself with that gun shit. Hurry."

Before Geoff had time to scold the Lad, Jack grabbed my arm to head towards the vault moving the plan to the next stage. Jack punched in the code and the door opened instantly, "That was too easy. But we were given the keys."

I shrugged before taking a step forward expecting alarms. When nothing happened I let the breath out I was somehow holding. Looking around, we were right. Three large duffle bags were good enough. Not the most we've ever taken, but this was about messages, not money.

When Jack and I finished loading the money in the bags we heard Ray, "We have a slight problem."

"That would be?" Geoff asked.

"That cop that was at the crews safehouse we saw before we went in. He's here."

I looked at Jack confused. But instead of an answer, she mirrored my look. An idea came to my head, "How long has that teller who was handing money over been gone?"

"A couple of days. Why?" Geoff asked clearly annoyed.

"No payment. They don't know the teller and manager are dead. They use the cop as intimidation to show they have the police in their pocket," I explained lugging up two bags at once.

Ray's voice came back, "I have a clear shot."

"No. We could use him. Ray, follow him. We will get one of our moles onto him," Geoff said.

"Done. He just went down the street. You guys are clear. Get out," Ray said quickly.

"I've called someone already. He's on his way to watch over whoever keeps magically finding us," Jack said coming up behind me.

Carrying the bags to the main lobby, we looked at Geoff. He quickly nodded to Micheal who bolted out to start and get the truck ready, "Gav alreay got the teller money. Let's go."

We made our way out hastily, but it was still a grande exit. I looked around to spot the cop before a bullet hit my side. I immediatly went down to my knees. The extra weight of the duffle bags weren't helping.

Another shot rang out before I felt a burning sensation on my shoulder. Something in me snapped and I rose and got both bags in the truck before collapsing half in half out of the backseat.

"Geoff! He took off after he got Ryan. I lost him. Where do you want me?" Ray yelled into his mic.

"Leave him. Get over here!" Geoff said before yelling at Gavin, "Get him in here!"

"I am trying! He is heavy" Gavin was panicked and was trying to stay in control, "Come on Ryan! You gotta help me here."

I yelled out as I used the last of my strength to try and move towards the truck. Suddenly Ray came up behind me and helped Gavin get me into the truck.

"Micheal, drive. Fast," Geoff said while holding the phone up to his ear.

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