Chapter 11

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AN: Here is the next chapter. I am semi on time..... Yea... lets leave it at that. This is kinda small, but it needs to be. Sorry!


It was something that felt like it was out of character of me to do. But a small part of me wanted him to kiss me the other day when I met him. I could tell there was this darkness about him, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Honestly, I don't think I want to. I leaned into him and smiled a bit. He seemed to follow my lead and held me closer. Growling a bit in his throat he deepens the kiss.

    Just as I started to take his lead, a huge bang sounded at my door making my jump away from Ryan in fear. Ryan tightened his grip though and stared at my door like he wanted to brutally murder whoever was the other side of that door. If it was anything at all. Looking at Ryan I offered my sweetest smile in an attempt to get him to loosen his grip. He did, but refused to let me go and followed me to the door with his hand firmly placed on my back. Glancing through the peep hole I stilled and my breathing became rigid.

    "Jaxx, what's wrong?" Ryan had concern and anger all over his face.

    "Shh... okay. Here is what you need to do. Are you listening?"

    Nodding his head he replied, "Okay, but what's going on?"

    I sighed, "Its that cop. He is probably here to arrest me. I need you to hide in my room. They wont look for you. After they arrest me get on my computer and log into my Skype account. My mothers account is always logged in case of this kind of emergency. Tell her what has happened. You don't have to go on cam or tell her who you are. Just tell her I have been arrested and being held probably at the main police station downtown. She will believe you, I promise."

    "How do I get a hold of you after all this? This is fucking nuts... and the fact that you know they wont look around your house is kinda hot," he looked amused about all this.

    I smiled, "Ask Lo for my number. She will give it to you. Promise."

    He sighed, "Alright. I'm going. Good Luck."

    I laughed, "I will be out in no time. Be totally quiet alright? Not one word."

    Holding his hands up more banging was at my door again. After he closed my bedroom door I prepared myself for what was about to happen. I put my phone in my pocket and made sure my pass code was on as well. Opening my door I put on the most smiling and confused look on my face in the entire world.

    That old fuck of a cop was there and a few other uniformed officers were there. Guns were pointed at my face and orders for my hands to go up were being yelled. I held my confusion and didn't raise my hands, "What the hell is going on?!"

    The old cop looked at me with sick enjoyment, "I am sure you have done this before Ms. Cons-."

    I interrupted him before he could get my name out, "Fuck you. I've got a clean record."

    "And now you don't. Take her outside. Read her her rights and fill her in on what she is charged with."

    As soon as a uniform went for my arm my mind went crazy, but my body went willingly. If I was going to win this, hitting a cop would not help me in the slightest. Although the thought was so present in my mind that my body started to vibrate. After I was handcuffed a cop asked if there was anyone else in the house. "No," I lied.

    "What about that guy that was here earlier?" the old cop said as soon as we were by a cop car.

    I shrugged, "Got scared off after that crap in front of my house."

    "Speaking of which... the reason you are under arrest is because of that. Endangering the life of a cop, Vandalism, destruction of property, facilitating the destruction of private property, facilitating of vandalism... hell... I will fill you in at the station. This list is pretty long."

    I didn't say anything. I have that right and its abut time I used it.

    "Aren't you going to say anything Ms. Constantine?"

    I nodded and smiled, "Lawyer."

    He sighed, "Anything else?"

    "My phone call."

    Letting out a frustrated groan he told the uniforms to put me in the back of his car. I got in and patiently waited for him to drive me to eventually his doom. Having no plan in this was the best way to win I have noticed.

    After a few more minutes all the uniformed cops got in their cars and left. The old cop got into the driver seat and sped down the street towards the main police station. He laughed, "This should be fun Ms. Constantine."

    I just looked at him. He thought he could bag himself a high profile member of a notorious family. Good luck skipper... you are going to need it.

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