Chapter 16

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Jaxx POV

    As I heard my brothers question if I was really there. The front door opened and closed shortly after. Those two new people must have left. That was quick. When I hear my oldest brother call out to our father if I am really home my mood suddenly shifts. I am not happy anymore. I am pissed and want to hurt people. Trying to push those thoughts aside I walk up to my door quietly and start tapping on the door.

    "Okay. She's in there or I am losing my fucking mind."

    "Nah, I heard that too. Jax!"

    I silently laugh and wait as they all try and door handle and come up short because its locked. Finally I heard my oldest brother calmly say, "Jaxx. Either you open it or I break it. Your choice."

    Opening the door suddenly shocked all four of them. I continued to act casual as I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest, "Really Alic?"

    The biggest smile stretched over his face as he pushed through the others to give me a hug, "You back?"

    Shaking my head I hug him back, "Just visiting."

    Alic laughed, "A visitor in your own home. Well... I should let go of you as the locals can tackle you eh?"

    I tightened my grip around his neck. He was the one that helped me convince our parents to let me move to Los Santos. Just to get away for a while. Being the oldest he knew everything. I trusted him that way, we have always had that kind of relationship. Alic also left for a time when he was younger than me. He understood why I wanted to get out from under our parents. My other brothers on the other hand only knew what Alic decided to tell them. I know they felt abandoned by me. But one day it will come together.

    After Alic lets me go I look over to my three other brothers. All older than me, but you could tell we were related. Same brown hair, eerily the same almost grey eye colour, and same tells actually. We dont know how that came to be. But it did. We always know when we lie or feel uncomfortable. Which always helped. The order of siblings went Alic, Greyson, Ethan, Charlie and then me. What is even creepier is that they are all almost the same height. An inch separates Alic and Greyson and the rest are the same give or take a centimeter.

    "Hey guys..." I honestly don't know where to begin. I know they aren't happy with me for leaving. But I don't want them to hate me forever. I don't think I can handle that.

    Ethan was the first to come at me super fast. I laugh as he hugs me and spins me around my room. He smiles and whispers that he misses me everyday. I smile and start to tear up. Going next to his ear I whispered how much he meant to me. He put me down but Greyson came up behind Ethan with his arms open. He was not a huge hugger but times like these he would give in. I ran right for him and jumped onto him.

    "They don't know what they are talking about. I missed you the most."

    I smiled through my tears, "I bet you did."

    Charlie didn't come forward. He leaned against the wall looking awkward. With longer hair than the others he went into hiding behind that.

    "Hello Charlie. I missed you," I said as I went to give him a hug.

    He didn't say anything as he flinched away from me. My heart didn't totally shatter but I know it did break. My worst fear was realized. He honestly hated me.

    I nodded and backed off, "I am so sorry Char."

    Right when he was going to say something our mom called us down for dinner. Charlie took off like a shot followed by Greyson and Ethan. Alic staying behind and waiting for me.

    "He fucking hates me!" I say harshly while tears of anger and sadness replace those of happiness.

    Alic sighs, "Charlie doesn't hate you. He just doesn't understand. They all don't and wont until you tell them."

    "I will. When the time is right." I wiped the tears away and looked down.

    "Come on. I am sure she will starve us if we don't get down there," Alic touched my shoulder and guided me out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

    Suddenly I had a new sense of anger I never felt before. Like I simply just didn't give a fuck.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now