Chapter 46

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A/N: Yay! A super early update! Hazza! Anyway... I am slowly catching up to myself again... so I need to put my nose back into my notebooks and find my inspiration again. Which is harder said than done in my world. But I will do it! I swear. Also... I am so happy about the responses I have been getting on this story. It means so much. Thank you to anyone who votes, comments and adds it to their reading lists. I started this out of boredom and never thought I would get to where it is. Honestly, I thought it would be lost amongst the plies of AH Fan fiction here on Wattpad never to be read.

Anyway... Thank you again.


Geoff looked down and shook his head, "God fucking damnit."

I put the phone in my pocket, "I'm sorry."

Jack came beside me, "Don't be. You followed your instincts and came up with the right answer."

"Jack, I still want that officer found. He shot Ryan, he is officiallly a dead man walking."

"No problem. Give me a few hours," she said while walking back to her room.

I stood there out of touch. Geoff went back to where he came from and Ray made his way to where Ryan was. I sat back down and played with my phone.

"What now?" Gavin said looking at the now blacked out TV screen.

"The most shittiest thing in the world," Micheal sighed.

"That would be?"

"To wait," I said quickly looking up to the two Lads.

"Shit. I was hoping you wouldn't say that," Gavin said while getting up. Micheal followed suit a few seconds later and went his own way.

A few minutes later I got up and headed down the hall. I ended up stopping at the armoury door. Ray walked out of the same moment, "He's still KO."

I nodded, "He probably will be until tomorrow. You could tell a difference. I mean when he was Ryan compared to Vagabond?"

"Oh yeah. I have known both for years. Ryan is exactly who you met. Vagabond was the person at the warehose and who they whisper about on the street. We wanted to give him room to tell you. He was so afraid you would walk and never look back," Ray said honestly with confidence.

Looking inside, I saw how peaceful Ryan was asleep. I smiled, "I guess I wasn't suppose to find out like this."

"Fuck no. He was after the heist. He wanted to ease you into all this. Not throw you in head first," Ray said scratching the back of his head.

"At least I now know," I sighed.

"Yea. But now the ball is pretty much in your court. He would never push you into anything. Whatever you decide to do he would step aside and let you go."

I looked at Ray, "I am not making any decisions. I want to talk with him first."

Ray nodded, "Thought I would let you know. Because I know he would give off the wrong impression if he does let you go."

With that Ray walked back towards the living room. I walked into the armoury and sat down on the chair closest to Ryan. Suddenly he took a huge breath in and opened his eyes, "Jaxx?"

I stood up and went over, "Yea. I'm here. It's okay. You're okay. Promise."

Ryan's eyes were still fogged up and glossy looking around, "You know. Don't you... Oh God. I fucked up. Fuck."

I immediatly, I shushed him and began to run my hand threw his hair, "It's alright. We will talk when you are better. I'm here now."

As soon as those words left my mouth he looked at me seriously, "But for how long?"

Before I could answer him, he passed back out again and relaxed. Going back to the chair, I sat down and let my mind go overdrive on what I should do now.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now