Chapter 21

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A/N: Sorry about not updating last Saturday as I said I would. One of my bosses had a birthday dinner which I totally forgot about. Then my friend is going through cancer, which she has no support system other than me  and someone who lives thousands of miles away. I am her number one call for absolutely everything. I am so sorry.

Enjoy none the less!

Ryan POV

After about the tenth dumbass to run out the back door thinking it was a good idea; the rest decided to take their chances inside.

"They've stopped leaving through the back," I said casually.

"Same with the front," Ray said while firing another shot.

Jacks voice came through, "Don't leave yet. Police should be coming soon. I want to know when they get here. Try not to kill them on sight. Only if fired upon."

"Sure," came my reply.

"Got it," come Rays.

Random members would come out either door thinking we were gone - got shot. A pile of bodies started to mound and keep the steel door open.

"How's it going Geoff?" I ask. We have definitaly overstayed our welcome.

"Fine. Just doing a sweep through," Geoff sounded distant.

"Are you hurt?" Ray asked immediatly.

"Flesh wou- Mother fucker! Die! Cock sucking bag of dicks!"

Micheal yelled, "God damnit Geoff! I'm coming! Hold on."

Gavin finally came through as well, "There is WAY more than we thought. Jesus!"

"Fuck this. Gav, get out of here. Take Geoff you. I'm blowing this fucker up."

I looked over to the end of the alley, "Fuck. I've got cops!"

"Same. The timing..." Ray muttered. I can practically hear the eye roll accompanying that statement.

"There are no civilians. The cops blocked the street off pretty quick," Jack said.

"Good," Micheal said, "Someone tell me when Geoff and Gav get out of the area. I'm leaving with Ray and Ryan."

"We got you," Ray said while looking down his scope.

Gavin's accient came through again, "Ryan we are coming out the back..."

Sure enough he bursts through the back door with a very pale looking Geoff. No wonder the Brit wasn't all that talkative.

I growled, "Flesh wound my fucking ass. Jack, he needs medical treatment. Now!"

"Get him here and I got the medic covered."

I follow them with my scope just in case. I see Gavin haul Geoff into the vehicle and Jack speeds off.

"All clear Micheal. Meet me at the back enterance. You too Ray."

When we get in the car Micheal detonates the building and we take off down the road with Micheal driving.

I smile at him, "Enough explosives?"

A mischevious smile touches his lips, "Never."

Ray looks worried as he pulls out his phone and calls the Brit, "How is he?"

A sigh of relive comes from the lad, "Thank fuck!"

Hanging up Ray smiles, "He's gonna be fine. Blood loss is a huge thing. But nothing too major. He got tagged as soon as he got through the door but didn't tell anyone."

"And he calls us reckless," Micheal muttered.

The rest of the ride is quiet and my mind slowly turns back to normal. The killer retreating back into his box. I take off my mask and mess with my hair. Looking at my alter ego on my lap. I wonder when he will totally take over.

Micheal turns left up our driveway to the house and Geoff is standing there stone faced and holding his side. I look t him confused. Ray gets out first and asks, "Whats wrong?"

"Our presence has been requested by the Constantine family. They sound upset. I can't say no."

I shrug, "Then don't. Just give us a few to shower and we'll go."

Ray and Micheal nod with agreement while heading inside to shower while Geoff calls the family back. Constantines never show their emotions... this can't be good.

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