Chapter 39

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A/N: I am honestly surprised I am able to post tonight. The area I am in is getting hit majorly by three storms one right after another. Power has gone out in certain areas... but my house is still okay... which I am not going to question. Anyway, thank you for everyone reading, commenting and voting. It means a lot to me.


As I entered the room I sat on the bed and looked at my hand. A sudden rush of sadness over came me. I really did shoot a man. Tears would never fall for someone like that. But it was still a loss of life. A life I took without thought.

"Hey. You okay?" Ryan said while sitting next to me.

Not trusting my own voice I simply just nodded and looked down at my hand.

"You're a bad liar Jaxx," Ryan whispered in my ear causing an unwanted shiver down my spine.

"I killed someone. And I know it had to happen or I would be in a very different situation. But I feel bad none the less," I said honestly.

Ryan nodded his head, "I get that. It happened to me at first too. But I don't know it this helps... but it does get better whether you think so or not. It's the unfortunate truth in our world. But like you said, if you didn't you would be in a different siutation. That would be being dead."

I nodded, letting his words sink in, "I know you are right. Plus this life is what I was forcefully drafted into. A part of me wants to reject all of that."

Ryan grabbed my wounded hand. Warmth immediatly flooded my entire body, "I get that. It takes time we all have."

He was right, of course he was fucking right. I blew out hot air and leaned on his shoulder. Immediatly he moved and lowly hissed in pain, "You alright?" I asked worriedly.

Ryan nodded without looking at me, "Totally. Got into a fight the other day. Got hit with a knife. No big deal."

I immediatley moved in case I hurt him again, "I'm sorry."

He scoffted at me, "Don't be. It's not your fault. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings."

Standing a few feet away from him I smiled, "Is that the only place you are hurt?"

Ryan lifted an eyebrow at me, "Possibly. Why?"

I shrugged innocently, "No reason. Thought I would ask."

He laughed, "Is that all?"

Still keeping up the innocent act, "Yep. That's all."

Ryan laughed one more time before holding his hand out to me, "Come here."

I tilted my head, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I think I owe you something before the Lads inturrupted us."

"Oh really?" I said while taking slow steps towards him.

He just nodded and watched me while I stopped in between his legs. HIs hands on my hip as a smile was teasing my lips. I leaned down inches away from his face, "What do you owe me Ryan?"

Simply shrugging at my question before moving his hand to my head and gently pulling me down the rest of the way to kiss him. I smiled into the kiss and carefully put my arm around his neck.

Coming up I laughed, "Was that all?"

With his eyes closed he shook his head, "I want to do so much more. You have no idea."

I laughed airly at him and tightened my grip around his neck while his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Ten bucks say we get interrupted," Ryan backed up and smiled.

"Probably. Just wait for it. But should we do anything while we wait? Questions, questions."

Ryan suddenly pulled me tighter, "Don't tempt me Jaxx."

I smiled, "Tempt no. Tease... totally."

A sound came out of the bottom of his throat, "As much as I would like to continue down this rabbit hole, we are both injured and I don't think I could hold back."

"I'm tougher then I look," I said kissing him again.

It was his turn to smile, "You're a fucking Constantine. You are definitally tougher than you look."

"Thanks," I kissed him again.

"We do have to stop Jaxx. I'm serious," Ryan growled while tightening his hold on my hips.

"Sure. Totally," I said absently while practically crawling into his lap while he was pushing back with some resistance.

I sighed while backing away, "Okay. Fine. You win. You suck, but win."

He laughed while getting up and going to the cot. I smiled, "You going to sleep on that?"

Ryan turned to me, "Can I say no?"

Walking over to him, I leaned into him and kissed him quickly, "You better say no."

"What cot? Oh! That cot. We should get rid of it," he seemed happy and playful.

I laughed, "We should totally get rid of it. But in the morning. Not now."

"Done! Consider it gone," Ryan nodded while hugging me.

Smiling at him, I wriggled out of his grip, "Alright. Sleep time. Come on."

"I have to change. You go a head. I'll be right there," he said while opening a drawer and grabbing a few articles of clothing.

"No problem Ry-bread," I said laughing.

"Oh god. That better not have rubbed off on you," Ryan said while entering his bathroom.

"Nah. I'm just seeing what you'd say," I said while walking over to my phone and checking everything out.

The door opened and Ryan stepped out in PJ bottoms and a while shirt, "Good. Anyway, choose a side. I'm not picky."

I looked down where I was already sitting, it was the side closest to the door, "Here is good."

"Damn, I wanted that side," he faked huffed but got into the bed anyway.

Laughing, I put my phone down and followed Ryan under the covers, "Rules?"

Ryan looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "Really? Were you there are the make out session cause I sure was."

I blushed and cuddled up to his warmth, "Good point Ry-Bread."

He chuckled while getting comfortable and put his arm around me.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now