not another chapter but an update!

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A shit ton of stuff has been going on with me in my life and if life can stop being a damn bitch, that would be great.

It all started around Christmas when I thought I sent this, but my phone decided to save it as a draft... not publish. Gahh.

Anyway, after a HUGE spell of not having any inspiration or the will power to even type... I am officially back. Hold the applause.

I am so sorry for taking off for as long as I did. I did not have any other option when my life hit the fan and throwing curve balls at me and wouldn't stop. Its like dodging bullets - but these ones hurt more than a bullet.

I do have a few chapters all saved up so I am going to release them probably later today. Also, I am going to be updating on Fridays//Saturdays. I have two jobs, one is full time while the other is part time just so I can get extra cash flow. But they seemed to have both turned into full time jobs... hence my hiatus.

Fridays//Saturdays are my days off so I will update then.

I am so sorry!!!

If you understand...

Thank you very much.


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