Chapter 13

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A/N: PLEASE DON'T SHOOT!!! *hides behind boxes* I have an explanation for why I am so damn late. *Peeks out with one eye closed* My mom and dad came to visit me. I see my mom every 2 months but my dad is like once a year - maybe. So no computer time for me. ALSO... on top of my full time job I (sometimes stupidly) thought it would be a great idea to get a part time job. Just to make the financial parts of being an adult easier. LASTLY I have been going to the doctors and doctor appointments more than I would like. So with those three things colliding together I am super late on the updating. I am so sorry. As a "Please forgive me" and "I'm not worthy" thing I will update tomorrow as well. *Comes out of behind the boxes* Sounds good?

P.S. For the three lovely people who keep voting on my chapters and commenting... Thank you so much! You honestly don't know how much it means to me to see that at least 3 people like it.

Jaxx POV

Longest. Car ride. Ever. Is all my brain could come up with. After I calmed myself down enough my mind went to what my mother would say to Ryan and would they approve that we decided not to discuss what family or crew we belong to. Arriving to the police station this crappy officer called over more people to let them view who he caught. I held my head high and put a small secretive smile on my face.

You want to play... lets play.

    Getting out of the car he noticed my face and tightened the handcuffs. I winced slightly and tried to ignore it. I looked straight ahead. Not once did I look at anyone. I heard congratulations and cheers from people around me. I wanted to kill every single one of them. But, that wouldn't help me... well it should. This rage was new... but I started to like it.

    "What the hell is going on?!" someone in a white cop uniform yelled.

    "Captain! Meet Ms. Constantine. And yes... that Constantine. I have arrested her for a series of crimes."

    The Captain looked at me slightly horrified and finally finding his voice he said, "Officer Lowes. I need to talk with you. Now."

    Lowes went rigid, "Captain?"

    "Did I stutter Lowes?"

    He looked shocked and confused, "No Captain. Let me book her and I will be right up."

    "Don't bother. You will drown yourself in paperwork. Put her in a holding cell. Oh.. and uncuff her when she's in there."

    I finally looked at Lowes, he was seriously angry. I shook my head and couldn't help but smile.

    "Keep it up bitch. You aren't getting out even if it costs me my career."

    "Nice threat. Keep it up," I said deadpanned. He uncuffed me and shoved me into an empty seat. Looking around there were a few people. But none that would harm me. They knew better after the big announcement that I am sure everyone heard.

    After a few minutes I could hear yelling and swearing. I started to laugh and lean back. This was going to be easier than I thought. Out of the blue I hear, "Get the fuck back in here Lowes! You leave her alone!"

    I got up and went to the other side of the holding cell. He stood in front of the door and just stared at me all the while the captain was trying to get in his face. Holding my ground I stared right back, "Problem Officer?"

    He glared at me and harshly whispered, "You want to let her go? Do you know who she is?!"

    His captain finally got into his face, "I do. But lets continue this in my office."

    "Fuck!!" Lowes screamed while being pushed back towards the Captain's office.

    About twenty minutes later someone burst through the front of the police station, "I want my daughter now!"

    I smiled, "Ahh, the cavalry. Guys. I'm over here. I'm alright. Don't worry. Just please let me out.."

    My mother rushes over to me in the holding cells while my father walks upstairs to talk to the Captain, "Oh my darling. How did this happen?"

    "I will explain everything Mom. That cop is losing his shit..."

    She smiled, "We know. We did come digging about him on the way over. Officer Lowes is a loose cannon."

    "Wait... how did you know his name? I just found that out like 25 minutes ago."

    "Your friend told us. Very resourceful," she said looking proud.

    "Thanks. I have photos of the cop sitting outside my house. If you need them."

    "Anything will help. Hand me your phone."

    I fished it out of my pocket and handed it to her. She knew the pass code. It was the same one on all our phones should something happen. She unlocked the phone and followed my fathers footsteps.

    A few minutes later everyone came out of the office. Included a very pissed off Lowes behind everyone. His Captain turned around and said, "Lowes. Back in my office. I'm not done with you yet."

    Lowes looked completely defeated. I would feel bad for him... but you don't fuck with me or my family. As he turned back toward the office everyone headed toward the holding cell I was in. My father looked like stone. Not one single flash of emotion. I knew that face. This was his professional features, don't show them anything until you get what you want and show your family what you are actually feeling behind closed doors.

    "Ms. Constantine, I am very sorry for what my officer has done. Disciplinary action will be swift and fair. I am sorry again," said the Captain.

    I just nodded and walked over to my mother who took my hand like I was 5 years old all over again. While she was walking me out a hand went to my shoulders, it was my father walking behind both of us in case someone decided to get smart and shoot. Getting into the car my mother was the first to break, "Alright, what in the world was that all about?!"

    My father spoke after her, "Enough darling. Lets just get her home and we will find all this out."

    "I need to go back to my place first. My bags are just by the door. I need to get them," I looked at my father for help.

    "Very well," my father said slightly annoyed.

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