Chapter 31

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A/N: Here is the new chapter. If it is too long, please forgive me. It was the only way it was going to work. I couldn't cut anything out.


Jaxx POV//Ryan POV -- Part 2

J-     As soon as the door swung open, everyone opened fire. I cringed and tried to duck. The hand that had a hold of my shoulder let up for a moment before it came back down in a vice like grip.

After everyone on my side of the door expended their clips, a man stood up and just stared at everyone in the room. When the smoke settled everyone stood shocked and looked back at the man standing in the door way. Everyone in the underground world knew that mask. And more importantly, what that mask ment. He became their death dealer by a different name. No one else would even dare to attempt to put on that mask and still have the same aura of death cling to him.

Suddenly behind him, Alic sprang into action and started to shoot everyone in the room along with people I didn't recognize. Vagabond didn't move a muscle while staring at me. I wanted to cower and get out from under his stare. After everyone from my side of the door was either dead or seriously injured, the rest of the room focused on me and my captor.

"I would let her go if I were you man," the one with curly red hair said.

The grip tightened, "I just want what's mine!"

I raised my head and looked sideways toward the hand on my shoulder.

"I don't think you heard him. Let her go," the only girl other than me said.

"Fuck you. Give me LS and we are squared up. You get your girl back and the FakeAH Crew loses everything. Simple."

Finally getting enough strength to look up at the person holding my shoulder I look over and my eyes nearly buldge out of my head.

Thats not the one in charge!! It's Greg!!

How in the ever loving fuck did he escape?!

Looking over to Alic I whispered, "Shoot him."

The gun was then pressed harder to my temple, "Shut up!"

I glared at Alic, "He isn't the one who orchestrated me being kidnapped. He is just a lap dog who did the kidnapping. Shoot."

Suddenly there was a shot and Greg fell to the ground in immense pain while Vagabond lowered his gun.

R-       My brain short circuted when I saw Jaxx sitting there. Blood in her hair and handcuffed. But she is a Constantine. A fucking Constantine! Of fucking course she was!

I ground my teeth and led everyone out of that room to the main enterance. Knowing I am going to have to explain why I shot first at that asshole, I stayed quiet and collected my thoughts. Out of the blue a gun shot rang out and my shoulder felt like it was on fire.

"An ambush!" Jacked yelled while taking cover with Micheal and Gavin hot on her heels.

In the chaos I noticed I had Jaxx underneath my arm. I almost stopped breathing and momentarily lost focus until some more shots were fired in my direction. Her being with me was a terrible idea. And if I talked, she would know it was me instanly.

"What's happening guys?!" who I gathered was Ethan speaking through the mic.

"An ambush. They were waiting for us. But we have Jaxx," Alic said while checking his gun.

"Who has her?!"

I turned to Alic the moment the question was asked, "Vagabond does."

"Don't you fucking get her killed. You hear me? Get her out and get her out now!"

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now