Chapter 48

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A/N: Well, here are again. Update time. Sorry it is a bit later this time around, I had a list of errands to do before I was able to update. Also, thank you again to all who have voted, added this story to their reading lists , commented or even started following me. Anyone of those things is amazing to me. Having my phone blow up while I'm at work has been interesting to explain, but totally worth it.


Jaxx POV

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed.

Well? ~ Lo.

I think I'm gonna stick around. ~ Jaxx

What a good choice. Talk to you later. ~ Lo

Good night. ~ Jaxx

Throwing my phone on the night stand. I layed back on the bed and stared at the wall. My mind started to fit the peices that were shattered back together. Ryan being who he was was a small factor, but it was something that I could definitley overlook. Shit, if I wasn't raised by a notorious family, then I would have left AND called the cops. But I hope I am no moron.

Fifteen minutes later he came out fully dressed drying off his hair. I smiled up at him, but didn't make a move towards him. He sighed and sat down on what I have dubbed 'his side of the bed', "So..."

"So... how about the weather? Damn sun. I am suppose to be mad."

He laughed lightly, "Really?"

I nodded convincingly at him, "Duh. I mean what I found over the past few days."

Smiling, he sat closer and facing me, "Such a bummer."

"Right? Then you get your ass shot and I have to calm Gavin down... fuck you."

Another laugh that went much deeper emitted from his throat, "I'm an asshole."

I started smiling again, "You are. Apologize. Immediatley."

I crossed my arms over my chest like a 3 year old throwing a tantrun. He let one more laugh go before he surged forward and kissed me. It honestly took me a second to catch up with the sudden action. Once I did, I put my arms over his shoulders and carefully pulled him towards me.

"We can't go too far down this rabbit hole. Fuck, as much as I want to."

"You talk too much. Just shh," I smiled into the kisses we were sharing.

He laughed and placed himself between my legs. Keeping up the kissing he was careful.

I pulled away, but as soon as I did, he started to kiss my neck. I chuckled. "For someone who just old me what we shouldn't be doing... you are doing an awful lot."

Pulling his head up he had the most shit eating grin ever, "You aren't complaining..."

I innocently looked at him for a second before lifting my hips up meeting his dead on. He instantly grabbed my hip and pinned it back down while his eyes were closed. His voice came back gravely, "That is not fucking playing fair."

"What did I do?" I asked laughing.

"You damn well know Jaxx," Ryan said finally looking at me.

"Oh, you mean this..." I fought with the grip he had on my hip to do the exact same motion.

"Fuu-ck! This isn't fair. My back and side are telling me no. But so much more is egging me on to play back."

I laughed while kissing his jaw and neck, "Quit getting hurt or this is as far as we are going to go Ryan."

Another growl came from his throat before he kissed me again. What seemed like forever past before we came back up for air, "That I can promise. The struggle is real and sucks."

I laughed and looked at Ryan. This just seemed to fit and seemed right, "Off."

"No. I like it here," he smiled.

I scoffed, "Not going there. But we both need sleep."

He chuckled at me before shifting his weight off me and laid fully on the bed, "Come here."

Smiling, I snuggled up and fell asleep.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt