Chapter 52

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A/N: Hello everyone. How has everyone's week been? If it was good, that's great. If not, I'm sorry and everything will be fine. Promise.

Anyway, here I am again to deliver this weeks update. Some of them from now on are going to be kind of long. I know this usually isn't a problem, I just thought I would give a heads up. Also, thank you to everyone new and not who has been reading, commenting, voting, following and adding to their libraries and reading lists. This means so much to me. Plus, a small thank you to those who have found some typos and have found them slightly hilarious and didn't go nuts on me.


Jaxx POV

Sitting in the mess I made made me feel guilty. I completely scrapped his room without much thought.

"Here," I said taking the envelope from under my side of the pillows. It somehow stayed put in my rage.

Ryan carefully took the envelope and put it in his closet, "I'm not going to need that until later. But I have a suggestion for you when you go home. Stay inside."

I looked at him weirdly, "Why?"

"Because you know the people that are tied into this. And I am sure they have some sort of plan with you involved," Ryan said sincerely.

Nodding with his statements, "Okay. I can try. That's all I can promise."

He chuckled, "That's all I ask."

I smiled weakly, "I don't want to go. If I had to, I would go back to my house not my fathers."

"Why?" Ryan asked as he started picking things up.

Clearing my throat a few times I sighed, "I left my fathers house a while ago to find myself. I felt trapped and I thought I would be trapped forever if I didn't leave. After some convincing my father let me go. I found that house - my home and Lo in a week. The best week of my life. I feel so complete there. I don't have to worry about my name sake."

Ryan stopped and looked at me, "I get that. I was the same way before I found the Fake AH Crew and moved in. I still have my apartment in the City, but I normally don't use it unless I have to. Here with them is home."

I had the sudden urge to laugh, "We are so messed up."

He smiled, "Definitly. Now help me clean this up."

Getting up I helped him clean the mess I created. Soon there was a junk pile and stuff that was salvageable - which was almost nothing. Looking at my phone finally I realized someone would come get me soon. It was already 5pm. I grabbed my duffle bag and began to put the stuff I brought into it. I was cramming everything without thought or care.

"Jaxx," Ryan said quietly.

I hummed in response without looking at him.

"Stop. I got it," he got up and caught my hand mid throw.

Stepping back I pulled my hair back into a messy ponytail, "This sucks."

Without looking up Ryan agreed, "How do you think I feel about this? I may look calm, but I am slowly losing it."

Taking a deep breath I stepped behind him and hugged him from behind, "Sorry."

"Again, don't be. Just keep in contact. Please."

I nodded into his back. Soon he straightened and had my packed bag. Not long after the house door bell could be heard throughout the house. Instantly I stiffened and fought back tears. Everything in my head told me to stay, but I knew what that ment.

Instead I headed out the door with Ryan behind me with my bag. I saw Greyson and he looked like he didn't want to be here. Which is odd because he never shows his emotions.

"Greyson. What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked up quickly at me, "Jaxx, I swear to you we fought like fucking hell to make you stay here. I swear."

I smiled at him, "I bet. It's alright."

Greyson visibly relaxed, "We started World War 3 to get you to stay. He won't listen to us."

"It's alright. I have an idea why he won't listen and it has nothing to do with being a Constantine," I turned to Ryan, "You were right. I will try to stay indoors."

He nodded and passed my bag to Greyson before he hugged me. As he kissed me I heard a cough behind him. I smiled, "Beetlejuice."

Moving around Ryan I saw the Lads at the end of the enterance, "I'll be back. I swear."

They stayed abnormally quiet. I sighed and turned towards the door. Walking out of it felt like time was suspended. It took every ounce of my being not to turn and run back. I got in the car while Ryan stayed at the front door.


"Just drive Grey. I honestly don't care right now."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now