Chapter 8.

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A/N: Sorry it took me so long to get another chapter up. With the storm last week that knocked out power in my area, trying to be around a potential love interest a lot and then work hours... I have been super shitty lately. I'm sorry.

Without further delays... here is another chapter. Enjoy :)

Lo turned the TV on to the news and sat down. I poured us some drinks and joined her.

"A few moments ago a young name was gunned down in the alley behind me. Close sources have speculated and are beginning to confirm that this young man was the one that provided the picture of the notorious Vagabond this morning. Police are scowering the area looking for any evidence that Vagabond was the one who took action. But we simply do not know the details yet."

"Fuck me..." was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. This was too close to home and I refuse to run back to my parents.

"Do you think this will be the only death around here?" Lo asked without taking her eyes off the screen.

I let my breath out slowly, "I honestly hope so I don't want to think about what will happen if its not."

"I think you going home for a few days and me constantly being at work will give this enough time to settle down."

Nodding, "I completely agree. But we keep in constant contact."

"Agreed," she held her hand out and we shook on it.

A loud knock sounded at the door that made us both freeze. Grabbing my flip knife my father gave me I went to the door. Looking through the peephole I saw two officers at our door.

"Fucking cops..." I muttered before opening the door enough so half my body was visible. The knife leaned up against the door still in my hand, "Hello?"

"Uh, hi. We are just canvasing the area looking for witnesses about what happened down the street there."

Lo instantly went to the door and grabbed the knife to hide it because we know the next statement, "Alright, but we didn't see anything."

"Could we come in and discuss this?" the officer was short and stocky. Trimmed hair and just lifeless brown eyes. Older than a beat cop should be. His partner was doe eyed, tall, with a military cut. Must be a rookie.

"What you actually mean is, 'I want into your house to look around to make sure I'm not hiding anything'," making this difficult for the cops was second nature because well... I'm a Constantine.

"Are you?" the cops eyebrows went up in question.

I smiled sweetly, "A woman does have her secrets."

While the rookie cops face turned red; the older one just sighed, "True. But I just want to know what happened down the road."

I looked behind me when Lo nodded coming out of the hallway, "Sure. Only in the living room."

Both cops nodded and entered while I held the door open. "This will only take a moment," the younger one said.

"Your names?" the older one asked while looking around the house.

"Jaxx. That is my roommate Lo," I answered for us. I held my hand up to stop Lo from answering any questions.

"Last names?" he looked at me.

"If you need them then you will get them."

"What if I need them now?"

"Id call you a liar and ask that you leave. Now."

"They are just names."

"Names hold a lot officer," I held my head high.

He looked down and sighed, "Did you two see anything?"

I shook my head and so did Lo. The older one dismayed said, "I really wish people would talk to us. We can help in this situation."

I kept my mouth shut and just looked at him.

"What?" he asked

"Absolutely nothing. But, how are we suppose to tell you something we don't know. We  even there." I was angry. The crews and families did investigating faster than the cops because of proper connections and respect. The cops cant do that so they get no where. Dirty cops is all you hear about. Another reason no one trusts them

"We aren't trying to offend anyone," the younger jumped in, "just trying to get answers."

"Find another person to give you answers, we don't have them. Out. Now."

Lo opened the door for them to leave. But suddenly the older one spun around, "Try not to leave town ladies."

I rolled my eyes while Lo shut the door on him, "Prick," I mumbled.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu