Chapter 56

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A/N: And here we are... Another update for everyone. Yay! I am back at having writers block and right now my time has been consumed with watching old AH videos and obsessing over Riverdale. Its been crazy. Anyway...


Jaxx POV

"You okay now?" Lo asked.

"Yea. I'm sorry for unloading everything on you."

"No. No. It's alright. This is all too much for just one person. And I don't even know half of what's happening."

I sighed and laid down on my bed, "I know. I will tell you everything one day. I swear."

She laughed lightly, "I don't know if I want to know now."

I chuckled, " I'll wait until you are ready."

A small knock at my door made me sigh, "I gotta go Lo. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright. Good night," she said before hanging up.

Going to my door, I opened it to find Ethan dressed to the nines. I smiled weakly at him, "Hey E."

"Hey. Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to check in," he said while scratching the back of his head.

"I'm alright. Was talking to Lo actually. You look good."

Ethan rolled his eyes at me, "I look like an idiot. I hate these things."

I laughed, "And your tie is crooked."

"Seriously? I thought I had it. Fuck," he said while walking over to the hall mirror.

Following him, I reached out to help him. I undid the tie and started over. Ethans eyes never left my face. "This sucks," he whispered.

I flashed hom a humourless smile, "Which part. I vote for all if it."

"That has my vote as well," he said before grabbing my wrists, "I know how much you want to be gone from this house. Just don't forget about us."

Fresh tears came to the forefront, "Never. Except Charlie."

Ethan smiled lightly, "Maybe one day you will forgive him."

"Not today," Greyson said while walking behind Ethan. Ethan let my wrists go before going to check out his black tie. Greyson eyed me, "You look like shit. And no more tears."

I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tounge out at him. Laughing he grabbed me for a hug. I easily accepted the hug and began to relax. Ethan turned beaming about his now perfect appearence. Blacked out suite with perfectly gelled hair, he was a knock out. Greyson went with a white shirt and super dark grey ensamble. He left his hair wild and forgotten his tie somewhere.

"Why are we doing this fucking thing again?" Greyson asked while still hugging me.

Ethan shrugged, "Appearances. Where's your tie?"

"Burned. Don't ask me to get it."

Ethan and I both laughed. But stopped when Charlie came up the stairs. He was holding a huge black dress holder. Charlie didn't approach us, but put the dress down and walked back down the stairs looking defeated. Greyson let go of me and grabbed the dress. Opening it it was dark blue and very plain. My exact style, "Dad still thinks I'm going."

"You've never told him no before. He thinks you are just flexing your muscles," Greyson said quietly while zipping the holder back up.

I grabbed the dress and hung over the banister. I started to yell, "No means fucking no! I'm not going!" At my final word I dropped the dress.

"Just flexing my ass. I'm serious. You two look good. Text me whenever," I said before kissing them both on the cheek. Entering my room I instantly locked it as a just in case.

I jumped a little as my phone rang, "Hello?"

"Hey. It's me. I- uh - it's done. I thought I would call you," Ryan said unsurly.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry I'm not there to comfort you in some way. I have condemed myself to my room," I said sadly.

"You aren't going to that party?"

"No, took your advice. I'm home and room bound until this is all over."

"I'm glad. I just wanted to check in. Talk soon?" Ryan asked.

"Totally. Promise," I said before hanging up.

"Yo Jaxx. We are leaving. Be back soon!" Ethan yelled while walking away from my door.

I let a huge breath of hot air out as I looked around my old room. This place wasn't me anymore, I've changed and this was stuck in the past.

My phone went off again. It was a text from a number I didn't recognize.

Hey Jaxx. It's Grey. I forgot my phone. Could you grab it and meet me outside?

I laughed and went to his room. But there was no phone anywhere.

I'm outside.

Making my way outside I noticed there was no car and the driveway was empty. Panicked I tried to close the door but was stopped.

"Nice to see you again Jaxx."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now