Chapter 32

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A/N: Okay, so here is the new update. I am having some difficulty keeping a head of myself for updates. I like being a few chapters a head in case I don't like something or the direction it is heading and I can change it in time before I post. But lately my mind has been bouncing to other stories that are in notebooks in my room and wanted to get something down in them and not concentrate on the one I am posting. *sigh* Anyway, here is the chapter!


Jaxx POV

I don't remember how I got outside of the warehouse and into the arms of my father, but here I am. Holding onto him while holding back tears of relief. My father is strengthening his hold everytime I breath. "I am so glad you are alright," he finally said looking right at me.

I weakly nodded and looked down. I was slowly falling apart. But I didn't want to do it here. Somewhere I was safe and people knew to leave me alone until told to come near. Looking at the warehouse, it had bullet holes everywhere - whoever owned this piece of shit was going to have a hissy fit when they come here next.

'No fucking way Geoff!' being yelled snaps me out of my trance on the warehouse.

I look over to see the Fake AH Crew in a semi circle next to their cars looking very pissed off. Turning to my father, "What's wrong?"

My father looked at me calmly, "I know that guy is still out there. Going home would be foolish. I asked Geoff to house you until he is caught."

"No," I said simply.

"Excuse me?" My father looked at me with mixed emotions.

"Hell no. No offence to them, but I just want to go home dad. Your house or mine."

"Both are not options. If that fucker can get into my property, he can get into yours even faster."

"No one knows where Lo and I live!" I was grasping at straws. I knew it.

"That cop does. How much do you want to bet he will tell anyone who will listen how to get to you?"

Before I could come back with pretty much nothing Geoff came forward, "They know where you live Jaxx."

Feeling frusterated, I went into my pocket and took out my hair elastic and put my hair up in a ponytail before I looked at Geoff that said prove it, "A little birdie told us. They were paying officers for months."

Suddenly the red head Michael and Vagabond came up with someone I would never be able to forget, "You."

Geoff grabbed the guys head when they finished putting him on his knees, "We wiped out a huge percentage of this group for your father. Before we saw an officer head inside the building to tell information. He isn't the leader though."

I growled, "No, he's just a low life bottom feeding bitch."

Greyson piped up, "Alic and I are going to take him to a secure location to see what information we can get."

Turning to my father, "Someone has to protect Lo. If I disappear they will run for her and our house."

"Ethan is heading over to stay with her until all this is over."

A low groan had everyones head turn towards them, "Who said you have a home?"

Geoff suddenly dropped his head, "Fucking bag of dicks."

Greg lifted his head on his own and looked at me, "We knew about your house in the city. But when the cop said you left with your parents we knew what, where  and how to get to you. We just didn't think it would be that easy."

 Michael scoffed, "And look at where that got you buddy."

Greg laughed and ignored him completely, "But who said you have a home? Hm? You haven't heard back from her have you?"

I snapped, no point of denying it. I walked up calmly to Greg and punched him as hard as I've ever punched anyone ever, throwing my whole body into it. I heard a crunch before he fell to the ground in a heap. "Pick him back up," I demanded. Both of Geoff's men grabbed him instantly and had him in the same position as before. I hit him again with the same force, and when I turned around I didn't have to ask, he was placed right back.

Getting on his level, I slowly lifted his head up to look back up from me his face was completely ruined. His nose was crooked and bleeding, cheek was cut up, black eye was forming, his lips were cut up and blood was everywhere.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Michael breathed while looking at Greg then at Geoff.

Geoff shook his head, "Why I told you to never fuck with the Constantines."

A british voice came through, "No shit. That's insane, can't she feel that?"

I speak instead of anyone else, "Adrenaline. It's the double edged sword of the body. Invincible when being pumped into you. Vulnerable while leaving." As soon as those words left my mouth I stood and threw another punch at Gregs face.

While he fell back again Alic called my name.

"Not now. Get up Greg. I'm not done."

When they wrangled him back into position I crouched down to get eye level with Greg again, "The first one was because you kidnapped me and thinking you would get away with it. The second is because of the bullet graze. The one after was to get your full attention. And this... this will be because you threatened family. That's a huge no-no Greg."

"She ali-" I threw the punch before he had time to finish the sentence, hearing another crunch.

"That's good Greg. Let's hope that she stays alive for your sake shall we?"

I turned around and walked over to my father but didn't look at him or anyone. I wasn't me at that moment, "I'll go. If they will have me."

My father nodded and looked at me, "We packed a small bag for you to go with. Including your phone. You call if you need anything else."

Before I could say anything Alic pulled me into a hug, "Ethan is at your house. Everything is fine, although Lo is a little worried and confused. Call us. Any excuse. Understand?"

I nodded while Greyson put my bag down and hugged me without a word spoken. Grabbing my bag I looked over to see my brothers drag an unconscious Greg to a vehicle. Rubbing my forehead, I make my way a vehicle where Vagabond, Micheal and another were standing.

"You alright?" the brit asked.

I nodded and whispered, "The adrenanline rush is wearing out."

Vagabond took my bag from me and put it in the trunk while I got into the back seat. Micheal got in the driver seat, Vagabond got into the passenger seat. The Brit sat with me. Suddenly I hear, "Gavin, leave her alone. I mean it."

"Alright, okay. She's passing out anyway."

Gavin was right, I could no longer keep my eyes open. It was a losing battle, "I'm sorry."

Micheal looked at me through the rear view mirror, "Don't be. We will wake you up when we get there.

I nodded weakly and finally gave into sleep.

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now