Chapter 53

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A/N: Hello everyone. I am so sorry about not having the update yesterday. Things weren't going my way and it just went nuts. But, I am fortunate enough to have a computer at my work where I can update. So.. here it is. Again, thank you to everyone.


As soon as we drived up to the house my blood started to boil. The mansion was looming over the car in a way that made me even more mad. But it also made me extremly sad. This place was once a happy place to me but after a while my home I found when I left became that beacon of light. Now that home I just came from was a new light in my life that I had to leave behind. This was just a dark hole on this earth.

Greyson stopped the car, "I truly am sorry."

I nodded without answering or looking at him. I was just staring at the front door with nothing short of malice in my mind.

He sighed, "You are gonna have to get out of the car eventually."

"Eventually," I repeated back.

"I'll be right back," Greyson said before exiting the car and heading towards the door I was staring at.

A few minutes later he came back outside with a casual dressed Alic behind him. Alic didn't make a move for the handle, just stood outside with his arms crossed. Waiting.

"I thought you would at least try and get her out of the car Al."

"She is one of us. Would you leave the car without putting up a fight after leaving the safest place in the world with a person who you liked living there?"

"No," he said looking at the ground.

"Exactly. She isn't totally being a brat on this one. Call it more an act of defiance."

"So you are defying with her?"

Alic smirked, "That. And I am pretty much waiting her out."

Greyson chuckled, "Never thought of that."

"I would however go inside and tell the others to stay out of the foyer until the yelling stops.

"Think it's going to be that bad?"

Alic didn't reply and just casually looked at Greyson.

"Good point," Greyson said before leaving to give a heads up to the others.

A couple minutes passed before he spoke again, "Remember. We are behind you on this. Don't lash out at them if they can't follow that simple instruction."

At that I finally got out of the car with my bag in hand. Looking at me I know he knew what I was thinking. I wanted my point across and I wanted to say with the Fake AH Crew. Not be used.

For the first time and probably not the last being here, resolve broke and a tear escaped down my face, "I hate this."

"I know. As soon as this is all over I will personally drive you where ever you want. Home, Ryan's, Fake AH house, even under a fucking bridge I will. Okay?" Alic said looking at the house like I was.

"What about you and the others?"

"This time around I think they will understand the why. Plus after you left Ethan and I went in on an apartment together downtown. Dad doesn't know."

"And Mom?"

"How do you think we were able to keep it from everyone?"

I nodded and smiled faintly. Mom helped me a lot when I moved out. She arranged the movers, the utilities hook ups the whole nine, "I think she likes the idea of us moving out slowly."

"As do I. They should be retired at this but instead they are dealing with all this crap," he said lightly.

"I have to stand my ground with him," I said finally looking at Alic fully.

Turning his head he smiled halfly, "I know. Hence why I'm not talking you out of it."

Taking a few deep breaths I began walking towards that front fucking door.

"Do you want me there?" He asked a foot behind me.

"Yeah. I don't know how far this will go."

Opening the door I looked into the foyer seeing my mother in a business suit. Looking up however I saw my brothers; Charile by the stair case with Greyson and Ethan more to the middle all leaning on the banister.

My mother took a step forward, "Done with your act of childishness?"

"Mom -" Alic tried to interject.

"I'm not in the mood Mom. My fight isn't with you. So please. Just don't," I just looked at her, dropping my bag.

She breathed in deep before leaving to my father's study. I looked up to my brothers and they all looked worried and uncomfortable.

Alic stepped up the stairs, "Well?"

Ethan shook his head, "No. We aren't going. We don't care if she takes shots at us in the process. We need to hear this."

Alic sighed before decending down the stairs. As soon as he hit the landing our father threw his study door open, "About time."

Attraction Between Light and Dark *FakeAHCrewAU* *Vagabond*Where stories live. Discover now